Thursday, August 17, 2017

My favorite time of year...

 August is on the down hill slide and with it goes my favorite time of the year because...

Surrounded by endless beauty

we get to be pirates...
How can a day that starts like this not be awesome

Our favorite picnic spot

This is the first time in over ten years I haven't had a crazy day job to return to mid-August. But this is the first time in over 20 years, I've had to by first grader school supplies (I didn't like it the first time around and I'm not liking it more this time). While trying to convince my grandson that he does NOT need a different shark backpack for everyday, I do enjoy buying office supplies for me :-)
As the beach time becomes less, I do more crafting things. Like these cute post-it holders for grandson's teachers.

I also start shifting from summer drinks to fall drinks. This week, I'll start making blood orange infused vodka for Halloween martinis.

What are some of your favorite change over activities?


  1. Nice post, Lynchee--I like the fun post-it holder! :-)

  2. I don't tolerate heat well, so summer is not my favorite time of year. Spring and fall are the seasons I most look forward to, so I'm excited about the turning of the wheel to autumn!

    I like shopping for jeans and sweaters, planting fall flowers, and picking apples from our trees.

    First grade already! My, they do grow up fast, don't they?

  3. I like the fall and late spring the best. Summer, especially this summer and all the 100 degree weather we had, I'm happy to see it go. I like watching the different kinds of birds that show up to the feeder in the fall. And all the finches that come to eat the seeds from the yarrow heads. Shorter days and cooler weather are wonderful.
