Thursday, March 8, 2018

Getting Lost in a Book, and Finding the World

I was a reader long before I became a writer. I was read to as a child, and it didn’t take long for me to qualify as a bookworm. I later became an English teacher so reading could be part of my profession. (I also like working with young people, so it was a natural fit.) And I still read as many books as I can fit into my schedule. I love getting lost in books.

A good book can carry the reader along to a different life. She can learn what it’s like to walk around in someone else’s shoes, or learn about a different place or time. I’ve learned about so many things, from building medieval cathedrals to Chinese cooking, thanks to books. But most importantly, I’ve been able to understand people better. I’ve had a glimpse of what it means to live as a Latina teen, or an African American female pilot, or a hundred other lives, thanks to reading. That ability to see through someone else’s eyes is the greatest gift of books. It can change lives for the better. And with enough lives and over time, it will make the world a better place.  

Here are a few of the books I’ve read in the last year that I recommend the next time you want to get lost in a book:
YA: The Ocean in My Ears by Meagan Macvie, Outrun the Moon by Stacey Lee, The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough
Adult: How To Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran, Caught by You by Jennifer Bernard, Tiffany Girl by Deeanne Gist

Have you read a book you’d like to share with us? Please add a comment.

Lynn Lovegreen has lived in Alaska for almost fifty years. She taught for twenty years before retiring to make more time for writing. She enjoys her friends and family, reading, and volunteering at her local library. Her young adult/new adult historical romances are set in Alaska, a great place for drama, romance, and independent characters. See her website at You can also find her on Facebook, Goodreads, and Pinterest.


  1. How wonderful you could incorporate reading with your profession as an English teacher. Great post!

  2. I love that you work with young people and pass on the love of books to them.

    So many books. So little time. All the books you mentioned I'm not familiar with. I'll have to check them out.

    My two favorite books growing up were Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren and A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle. I saw the Pippi Longstocking movie in the 60's and loved it. ) It was produced in a way that was close to the story. I'm dying to see the new Wrinkle in Time movie out now. I really identified with Pippi as a young child (age 8-10 or 11) and A Wrinkle in Time just really opened my mind to possibilities in the universe I had never considered. And it helped me, a non-conformist feel great confidence that was different and it was okay.

    As an adult there have been many books that touched me at different times in my life. But a series that has stayed with me since I read it 30 years ago is by linguist Suzette Hayden Elgin. The language she created, Láadan, was designed to express women's perceptions of the world rather than a male's perspective. Just the thought of it captured me as well as the stories about how women were the best translator's for alien species because of their special linguistic capabilities and ability to perceive emotion. Yet, though it was the planets primary economy they were treated more as slaves--people without rights. The trilogy includes Native Tongue, The Judas Rose, and Earth Song. It was probably my first feminist book (though I wouldn't have called it that then) that I actually felt made sense to me in the world in which I lived. (The Handmaid's Tale, written about the same time, never quite spoke to me in the same way as Native Tongue did.

  3. Lynn, This past year I reread most of the books on my keeper shelves. I love all of Jo Beverley's books. Kept every one of them. Kept some of Jennifer Cruises books and took others to Powell's or Jan's Paperbacks. Kept all of Nora Robert's old ones and the first of her main stream novels (think 1990's).

    Later in the year I read books by Grace Burrowes, M.L. Buchman, Maggie Lynch and Paty Jager.

  4. Thanks Diana, Maggie, and Judith--lots of great books out there!

  5. Lovely post. I am an avid reader and as a writer it gives me research material, not plot or style ideas but rather why some characters grab us and some don't no matter what type of book.
    Lots of great ideas ladies, thank you
