Friday, February 15, 2019

Five Things that Melt My Heart #scifi #supernatural #fantasy #romance

Hi, I'm Pippa Jay, author of scifi and supernatural stories with a romantic soul. And since we're just past the supposedly most romantic day of the year, I thought I'd share some of my top heartwarming scenes and songs.

My favourite comfort watch film is probably surprising considering my dislike for horror: a zombie romance. Here are two of my favourite scenes from the film.

First up, some zombie heartbreak: the moment he discovers his newfound love has left him...
To be followed by a heartwarming hug at their reunion at about 1:50 (sorry, spoilers)...

My current fave band Starset have a song with lyrics that, to me, capture the essence of scifi romance (or at least the kind I lean toward). This is the acoustic version for some easy listening.
"I don't know what to say, but I'm going to want you 'til the stars evaporate.
We're only here for a moment in the light.
One day it shines for us,
the next we're in the night
So say the word and I'll be running back to find you.
A thousand armies won't stop me, I'll break through
I'll soar the endless skies for only one sight
Of your starlight..."

My favourite scene in Hunger Games, where Katniss finally admits what she's really feeling (at 1:30):
And lastly a song with a scene, As The World Falls Down by David Bowie from Labyrinth...
"In search of new dreams
A love that will last
Within your heart
I'll place the moon
Within your heart
As the pain sweeps through,
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn't too much fun at all,
But I'll be there for you
As the world falls down
Falling down
Falling in love..."

Tell me your most heartbreaking or heartwarming scene or song...


  1. Opposite end of the spectrum, Pippa. I love the movies "7 Brides for 7 Brothers" where the guys are in the barn and the women in the house - pining for each other. And since it is a musical there's lots of singing. Also love "Pretty Woman" except for scene where Jason Alexander backhands Julia Roberts. Where Richard Gere starts climbing the fire escape I'm smiling. Teary eyed when she is taking the limo back to her old apartment. Never can remember the names or most of the words of any of the songs.

  2. Lovely blog post! Enjoyed reading the words to the songs. tear jerker moments in the movie "Ghost" with Demi Moore and Bruce Willis. Also , I think it is called "Sarah Plain and Tall" a Hallmark movie had some beautiful moments in it.
