Monday, December 14, 2020

On the brighter side of things!


By: Marcia King-Gamble

It’s almost the end of the year and I’m hoping it ends on a positive note. While 2020 has had its challenges, think of it as a year to reflect and be grateful. Yes, I ‘ve been accused of making lemonade out of limes, but that’s just my personality. But wouldn’t you rather me be sweet than tart?

Yes, I know jobs were lost, and that’s never a good thing, but it did give many time to reflect on what they really wanted out of life. Limping into a job with a sigh and a groan is never good. Jobs should pay the bills but also be fun. And while a job search is never easy, this is, or was, the opportunity to find that job of your dreams.

I know, easy to say that when bills remain unpaid, but still…one door closes and a better one opens. That’s the believer in me speaking. I say rather than viewing lockdown and this time of isolation with negativity, we should look at it as a time to catch up on all those chores and hobbies we keep putting off.  There are closets to clean and treasures to be found while cleaning and sorting. There are friends to email, phone, and in general reconnect with.

What about that foreign language you’ve been dying to speak? Maybe it’s time to learn that language, and all from the relative safety of your own home. There's that sweater waiting to be completed. You can finally get it done. That elderly neighbor you meant to reach out to, offer to do their shopping, and maybe pay it forward by adding a treat to their grocery list.

 For those of you with children, I can't think of  a better time to bond, than over online learning, or one of those interactive games they like to play.

Speaking of learning, let me tell you what I’ve learned during this last several months:

I’ve learned that I am more than good on my own

That time to reflect is a good thing

That even when things get bad there is a silver lining

That I’m far more resilient than I might appear

There aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I want to do

That true friends are worth keeping and others I should lose

That I am never too old to learn a new skill

That reading can feed and nourish the soul

I learned that while bad things can happen to good people, good things also happen to good people

That old manuscripts can be dusted off and repurposed

And finally, positivity can brighten a person’s day and go a long way

 That  said, despite this year’s ups and downs there’s so much to be grateful for.  The earth has had time to heal and dolphins were seen in places never seen in a long time or before. Families and friends found creative ways to connect, and we were forced to step out of our comfort zone and  into the world of technology. Think of this as broadening your world view and learning something new. Life should be about learning and evolving and not about remaining stagnant.

As the holidays approach don’t think of this year as being without family, think of it as doing something different and celebrating in a brand new and meaningful way. Put some thought into gifting, or better yet, give to a charity or people who really need help this year. It doesn’t have to be money, you can volunteer your help, safely. Just remember to wear that mask.

 Give what you can and give graciously!

Please look out for my holiday release, titled By Golly on Amazon soon.  It's a stand alone novella, about the H.E. Caldwell Department store. Some of your favorites are having issues. Will the holiday season work its magic and bring them back together?

Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas! Here’s to a New Year of good cheer!

Make 2021 your best year yet. The seeds you planted will come to full bloom!

Be well and take good care!

About Marcia King-Gamble

Romance writer, Marcia King-Gamble originally hails from a sunny Caribbean island where the sky and ocean are the same mesmerizing shade of blue. This travel industry executive and current world traveler has spent most of life in the United States. A National Bestselling author, Marcia has penned over 34 books and 8 novellas. Her free time is spent at the gym, traveling to exotic locales when she can, and caring for her animal family who keep her sane.

Visit Marcia at or “friend” her on Facebook:

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  1. Marcia - thanks for the upbeat message. Here's to a great 2021!

  2. Totally agree on the "time to reflect" and the amazing healing powers of Mother Earth. Those pictures of the Himalayas from India - a sight not seen in decades due to pollution - wow! for someone like me who loves the mountains (especially covered with snow) (well, I'm an ocean-gal also) it would be worth the view to make some life-style changes.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Deb. Happy holidays to you and yours!

  4. Lifestyle changes are tough for many, but I agree, Judith, there is a healing of Mother Earth that needs to happen.

  5. WE can all use an extra measure of positivity these days. thank you.

  6. Thanks for stopping by Kathleen. You are one of the most positive people I know.

  7. Marcia, thanks for a good dose of optimism. I agree 100% with your statement of: "Life should be about learning and evolving and not about remaining stagnant." I think that I've sometimes been stuck in the past and wishing things were as good as (name that date of a golden year). However, one cannot go back to those years because the rest of the world has moved on.

    Happy Holidays to you. With this post I'm certain you have a plan for transitioning to 2021 with a combination of optimism, hard work, and joy in what you choose to do.

  8. Ah Maggie, my optimism has gotten me through many a tough time. Thanks for stopping by and being a bright light in my day.
