Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Magic of Winter

 It's no secret that I'm a summer girl. Beaches without frozen water, warm sand not ice sand, and waves not ice caves are my jam. BUT... there is something magic about the world after it has snowed really hard... 

Everything is just 

soooooo white...

      soooooo cold....

           soooo still...

The ideal conditions to commit murder! (Or drink hot chocolate and eat doughnuts but since I'm talking about a book - we are going with murder). 

So I'm in the panter's verison of planning a new book, here is the general idea....

What do you do when you are bored? Stuck in a frozen isolated research station? No books to read. No internet to stream and binge watch Netflix. You dream of hot beaches with hotter guys (I might have done this myself a time or two). That was exactly what Cammi did... 

Until she came back from checking a sensory that been become disable and found a man on the floor.  A dead man.

Her radios have been smashed, her only hope is the reclusive Zakk Fields who lives three miles away. Three miles of frozen tundra. Only is she going to safety or into the camp of a killer?

As research for this book, I've been binge watching off-the-grid living videos on YouTube (how the heck did we live without YouTube???). Charlie has joined me in watching some of these. He is totally against it! He feels that it's just tooo much work - hahaha. Me, I'm addicted to hot showers so it's a no go.

I think this is going to be the cover (I had intended it for different series but you know things change)

I'm also in the editing stage of a fairytale retelling/fantasy - The Winter Witch.  Isn't the cover sooooo pretty???

So maybe I do like the snow more than I think... 

Thanks for stopping by! I hope everyone is staying healthy and practicing self-care during this time.

See you next month!


  1. Lyncee, National Geographic Channel has a series "Life Below Zero" that may have some tips for you. While I do love winter, I'm not a very good heat and humidity person, I wouldn't choose to live in a frozen world. A great place to visit for 72 hours. Absolutely love your winter pictures! And is that Charlie I see in silhouette? I especially love your "Winter Witch" cover...when I saw the other one my first thought was "damn, I bet he's really cold!" - lol

  2. Judith - We love Life Below Zero. Sue cracks us up! We have been watching more of the nomad ones lately. Charlie is holding firm if he can't bake a cookie he isn't going to live it :-) And yup that's my Charlie in the silhouette. I really like the the Winter Witch cover also.

  3. I’m a warm weather, beach and tropical waters girl too. That being said, I thought it would be fun to apply to a job in Antarctica when I was in my 20’s. I didn’t end up doing it, I got married instead, and a year later I met a girl who’d actually gone! I think she said she worked in the mail room. It would have been a great adventure to tell grandkids one day.

  4. Your book idea sounds interesting. I'm a person who doesn't like cold either. I did spend 8 years in Virginia and 7 years in Ohio, both with cold winters and lots of snow shoveling. Didn't like it.

    My husband's niece and family live in New Zealand and she's been sending pictures of Christmas parades in bright sunshine, people in shorts, and best of all no one is wearing masks or social distancing because New Zealand has been virus free since October, and before that they had three months without a COVID case. Whenever it starts up they isolate it. It gives me hope for our future in 2021.

    That said, I like the romantic ideal of being INSIDE by a roaring fire with someone you love when its snowy and cold outside. There are so many books and movies that make snow seem friendly and pretty. I do agree that after a snowfall (or during) it is really quiet and that is amazing. True silence. But most of the time, I find snow a pain to deal with. But I can see how/why it attracts you--just like living at a polar station. Whenever people are trapped together and can rely only on themselves to survive, the possibilities are endless for a writer.

  5. Lyncee - I too am not a winter fan -BUT...if I can stay inside and look out I do love the heaps of snow, when it is coming down and AFTER clean-up when they sun sparkles off the serene scene (as in now looking at recent 18 inches in my yard, and who for some odd reason chose to live in Maine.) All this is contingent on me not having to go anywhere - so a 3 mile hike to potential danger, that would not be me :-) Having said that, I do LOVE to write winter scenes. I do love the covers. Good luck on UTube research from a nice warm house.
