Thursday, January 7, 2021

Focus for 2021 and Bye for Now by Dora Bramden


Whenever I turn my mind to planning the year ahead, I usually come up with a word that lets me focus on what I feel needs my attention most. What will my priority be for the coming year? I have had words like travel, family, marriage, study, and health. The word enables me to not get lost in the many pressing responsibilities of raising a family, working a job and running a home.

While all of those things still have to happen, the focus word of that year has to be included in my decision-making process. You’ll notice that I haven’t mentioned my career. As yet it hasn’t ever been a priority but this year as a milestone birthday approaches I believe it’s time.  I really need to put my career in front of my mind if I want to achieve long held goals.

As a writer, I have been in a treading water mode for various good reasons, but now I need to make time and reserve energy for turning my many ideas for projects into reality. There is so much I wish to get written so that it can be shared and I feel it in my soul that that time has arrived.

In terms of new beginnings, it will be a new work schedule for me. I still need to provide administration support to my teacher husband and run our home but there will be time carved out for working on projects that are close to my heart. As a part of my restructuring, this month will be my last regular blog contribution. I hope to be a guest blogger later in the year with news of my progress.

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to be part of this wonderful team of authors and for the support of the readership. In writing my monthly blogs I’ve always tried to share my truth and inspire or uplift. I wish to continue this through my novels and so have come to this decision.

Thanks so much to Sarah and  Judith  for having me on Romancing the Genres and for running a blog that showcases romance authors and their work.

Finally, I wish everyone the best of health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year.

Dora Bramden writes heart-melting, passionate, romance.

Connect with Dora:

Amazon Author Page

Instagram @dorabramden

Facebook Dora Bramden Author Page


  1. Dora, you will be missed! I know your main focus will be on your writing career. I hope you continue to craft. You create very beautiful things.

  2. Dora - thanks so much for all your past posts. We'll miss you on the blog, but look forward to seeing you again as a guest. Here's a cheer to all you will accomplish in 2021. I wish you the best in your quest to focus. I have taken a page from your and other authors and last week I finally posted my own word(s) for 2021 - Optimism and Determination. See you soon - when you are ready to report in about your 2021 experience!

  3. I've really enjoyed your posts, Dora. May the next chapter in your life be wonderful!

  4. Dora, good luck with this new direction in life. I also choose a word or two every year to help me focus my energies. This year, partly in response to last year, I've chosen Determination and Courage. I look forward to hearing of your progress in the coming months.

  5. Dora, you are the epitome of women who support others. It is time to make more hours in the day for your own pursuits. If it is writing, I'm sure it will still support others as well. May your new focus be one that brings you great joy.

    My two words for 2021 are Listen and Take Action. I have often listened and not taken sufficient action based on what I learned; or moved into action without sufficient listening. This year it will be balanced with both.
