Tuesday, January 5, 2021

For the birds!

Welcome 2021! Good riddance 2020!

Now that that’s out of the way...

Happy National Bird Day! This is the day on which the organizers want us to focus on the health and happiness of captive birds. Here are a few pictures of my captive birds, aka laying hens, aka cat tormentors, aka tick gobblers.

Luanna Stewart has been creating adventures for her imaginary friends since childhood. She spends her days writing spicy romance ranging from contemporary to paranormal. When not torturing her heroes and heroines, she’s in her kitchen baking something delicious. She lives in Nova Scotia with her patient husband, two spoiled cats, and five hens.


  1. National Bird Day? I've never heard of it but what a great idea! There should be a National Cat Day, a National Dog Day, a National Hamster Day, etc. I know most people want to be and even think they are good animal caretakers but that doesn't mean they take the time to be focused on health before they see something wrong. If chickens have a happy and contented look, you captured that on your camera.

  2. Very cool, Luanna. Happy National Bird Day!

  3. Lovely to see the ladies are looking happy and healthy! I envy you all those wonderful fresh eggs. Happy NY to you and the "family."

  4. Judith, I think the only thing that would make our hens happier would be if I got rid of winter. They do NOT care for snow at all.

  5. Thanks, Lynn. I think it's fair to say that everyday is Bird Day and Cat Day at our house. We humans are merely the servants.

  6. Deb, the eggs can't be beat. I used some in French toast for our "breakfast for supper" this evening - yum!

  7. Love, love the pics, especially the close up on the last one.

    Judith, there is a Cat Day and a Dog Day. This year Cat Day in the U.S. is October 29 and Dog Day is August 26. Yes, there is even a hamster day. This fun link has all kinds of holidays (both in the U.S. and worldwide) for a variety of pets. https://www.petful.com/misc/full-list-pet-holidays-throughout-year/
