Saturday, January 2, 2021

HOPE and plans for 2021

 Hi, I’m Judith Ashley, author of The Sacred Women’s Circle series, soul nourishing romantic women’s fiction with light paranormal elements. My stories show you what life could be like if you had a place like The Circle where you are unconditionally accepted, supported and loved. And where, with this support, you make choices to overcome the darkest nights and choose love and light.

Hello 2021! If you are like me, you have great hopes for this year because 2020 had some serious bumps in the road! Listening to the conversations of friends and family the one word I heard most often regarding this New Year was HOPE.

Humble (modest, respectful)

Opportunities (openings, prospects)

Positive (optimistic, constructive, upbeat)

Energy (vitality, drive, momentum)

What words would you use to describe HOPE?

In addition to HOPE, as I learned more about the convergence of Jupiter and Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius, the word that resonated with me was Creative.

Having my focus on Creative has unleashed a plethora of creative ideas…for other people. One creative idea that was manifested by Hannah White for Arte Soleil included my book Staying Sane in a Crazy World. Here is a link Arte Soleil’s Etsy page where agift box that includes my book is featured.

Now that 2021 has Finally arrived, all those tasks I’ve put off until “next year” are waving at me. I’ll spend the next few days prioritizing them. Here are two:

Newsletter: At least monthly I’ll publish Choices. What will be in it? Information about how our choices today create our tomorrow is one. Updates on my writing progress. Sales, special events and a survey or two during the year. You can sign up for my mailing list here.

Writing: Finish editing my second non-fiction Yes, You Can Create The Life You Love is up first. And then I plan on writing at least one if not the next two books in the Visions of series.

What word(s) do you think of when looking forward into 2021?

What are your plans for 2021?

You can find all of my books at your favorite e-book vendor. Be sure to ask your local library if you’d prefer to read my books through that resource.

Learn more about Judith's The Sacred Women’s Circle series at

Follow Judith on Twitter: JudithAshley19

Check out Judith’s Windtree Press author page.

You can also find Judith on FB! 

© 2021 Judith Ashley


  1. Judith, Your plans for 2021 sound great! I'm being optimistic for the new year! Good luck with all your amazing endeavors this year!

  2. Judith- love your post so full of HOPE! The words I picked for 2021 are optimism and determination. I tried to sign up for your newsletter, but I couldn't get through on the link.

  3. Paty, my plan is to be realistic in setting my goals. I can always add something if I complete everything.

  4. Deb, Thanks for the information about the Mailing List link. My techie endeavors have failed. It will, unfortunately, be Monday or Tuesday before I can get it fixed as it is beyond my technology capability.

    Optimism and Determination are good words for 2021. Both will get you through to 2022.

  5. Judith, I love how you share your process and thinking for goals. These are perfect for you.

    My word for 2021 is "possibilities." I think if we believe that positive things are coming then we open ourself to possibilities that present themselves. Being prepared to take advantage of those possibilities is what gives me hope.
