By Courtney Pierce
Here's the backstory for what we're living in real time. In the coming months, maybe sooner, it will surely be the front story.
Over 245 years ago, our great country was born into a Republic of thirteen colonies based on a foundation of law and order, freedom, morality, and spirituality. The Constitution was designed to represent the people, all the people, and the people were in charge. That's where our country's story began. Since then, we've been in a relentless battle to maintain our original freedoms. This has resulted in assassinations, wars, scandals, corruption, crimes, manipulation, and oppression.
A free people are a threat. The masses must be controlled.
In the late 1800s, our liberties were secretly sold. The Republic was no longer representing "the people." Many Americans have no idea of this little-known fact in our country's history. At the end of the Civil War, the United States became a "Corporation" after going bankrupt. President Woodrow Wilson did a deal with the Devil to get the country out of deep debt. We, the people, became the collateral for a loan from the global banking Cabal that was comprised of international elite families, the British Royal Family, and the Vatican. This group of foreign entities has "owned" our country ever since. We ceased to be a Democratic Republic. That's why the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service were created. Every dollar we earn or save has enslaved us to pay the country's debt to these foreign entities.
An amazing transaction happened in 2020. The United States of America Corporation was dissolved.
The battle to take back our country has begun, hence the election mess, a weaponized pandemic, and a battle with Big Tech. The Cabal includes China. If we win this digital war, our country will be returning to it's original Constitutional structure of a Republic, and our currency will become real money again with a transition back to the Gold Standard. The international Cabal has much to protect in making sure this transition doesn't happen.
To compound the assault, dissolution of the Corporation is not supported by everyone in our representative government. There are many corrupt politicians paid off by the Cabal, on both sides of aisle, who also have much to lose from their ill-gotten self-enrichment on the backs of the American people.
America ceases to be great when its leaders cease working for the greater good.
In this fight, the people have been stripped of their freedoms and bombarded with propaganda. Who would have dreamed Americans could be canceled and censored for mere independent thought? No healthy debate is allowed for different points-of-view. Instead, everyone who challenges the narrative is accused of systemic racism, while a blind eye is turned to true violence. Peaceful voices are deemed to be domestic terrorism. Mandates of masks and lockdowns have crushed independent businesses. Orders for families to separate for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah seem utterly unthinkable in America. But the unthinkable is happening now, as if we're living inside a real dystopian novel.
We're in that dark moment of the story where our hero is awakened to fight. And fight we will, summoning hope and belief against all odds. Pain will become motivation to rise to save our country. Light will prevail over dark. Truth will become strength.
And that's what we're living through at this amazing moment in time. The stakes have risen far above the noisy fray of bickering political parties. This has everything to do with America taking back its independence and thwarting a foreign takeover. The public needs the truth—no matter how heinous what we learn—because on the other side of all this, we'll have unity.
We're sheep no more. We won't allow our civil liberties to be weaponized against us. And we authors won't allow our books to be banned or manipulated on search engines for what we write, nor will we endure our Tweets tagged as disinformation, or have our websites blown off servers for how we voted.
Bring on 2021. This is America.
When Aubrey Cenderon moves to Montana after the death of her father, the peace and quiet of Big Sky Country becomes complicated with a knock on the door from the sheriff. An injured grizzly bear is on the loose and it must be eliminated before it kills again. The sheriff's insistence that she buy a gun for protection will present Aubrey with some serious soul-searching, because the grizzly-on-the-run is hunting her too . . . for a different reason.
Courtney, I'm unsure if you perceive this post as an alternative history fiction proposal for a story, or if you really believe what you have written to be true. It reads to me as if you really believe this. If that is the case, I disagree with everything you've said outside of the fact that our country is facing a division in politics and in the way we view the world, of which these statements are an example.
ReplyDeleteMy disagreement begins with the statement that, "The masses must be controlled." That is saying that a small group of people know what's best for the rest of us and that everyone having a say (i.e., voting) should not be allowed. That certainly harkens back to the rule of kings and the elite. That is not what America is about.
The history you quote is way off base even in the timelines you purport to be accurate. You say that financial downfall caused by the Civil War (1861-1865) was taken care of by Woodrow Wilson in the late 1800s and he did that through financing from the Vatican and British royalty. There is nothing accurate about that statement.
First, the Civil War ended in 1865. Woodrow Wilson didn't become president until 1913 (47 years later). Yes, the Civil War incurred debt (as do all wars). However, that debt was paid through treasury bills and loans from American corporations. In terms of the "gold standard" it was in 1862 that the U.S. government began issuing money (greenbacks) that were not backed by gold. The government recovered from the war not by foreign investments but by borrowing from the public. Northerners (including corporations) bought almost $2 billion worth of treasury notes.
Woodrow Wilson served from March 1913 until March 1921, well after the country had recovered from the Civil War. In fact, Woodrow Wilson was president during World War I. As with all wars, financing was raised primarily from Americans and American businesses through the selling of Treasury bills. Wilson DID lobby and win a lot of economic policies he thought were important including banking reform, tariff reduction and more. But none of them involved debt from foreign entities or the Vatican.
Regarding the Vatican, from 1870 to 1984, the U.S. did not have any diplomatic relationships with the Vatican at all, so there is no truth in stating that any president borrowed from the Vatican or that they own us. In 1984 Ronald Reagan established diplomatic relations with the Vatican for the first time.
Borrowing from the Vatican with their estimated entire income is under $400 million dollars is ludicrous. Compared to the U.S.GDP of $23.4 trillion, it is impossible to see they'd be capable of offering any help to us financially. They U.S. has never provided development assistance to the Vatican, nor has it had any significant trade or investment with the Vatican.
Again, I hope I have read this post wrong and this was all a thought experiment for an alternative history book. I've always loved your books, your attention to craft, the fair way in which you've treated people around you, as well as your usual optimistic view of the world. I hope your family is doing well. I truly hope you have not succumbed to an alternate truth about history. You know where to reach me if you wish to talk about this further.