Monday, January 11, 2021

To New Beginnings!


By: Marcia King-Gamble

You’ve probably heard me say this before. At the beginning of a new year I never make resolutions. What I do is create a vision board. The board serves as my map as the year unfolds.

There is something cathartic about looking through magazines and finding words that express the way I feel and that represent me. I get joy out of clipping out graphics and images of places that I would like to visit, hobbies that represent me, or events that I enjoy, even things I would like to learn or improve on in the coming year.

It all brings me Joy.

This 2021, my board is still a work in progress. But as I snip and cut out pictures and sayings, I find myself becoming more and more optimistic and hopeful.

For those of you who have followed me over the years, you know there is usually a theme to my board. My boards represent my life with emphasis on travel, exercise, books, wine and food.  All these things bring out the best in me. 

These themes continue this year,  but with a focus on joyful living and celebrating small moments. I am hopeful about many things this year and grateful to be here. This year, I plan on brushing up my Spanish. It’s a language that speaks to me and one I used to be fairly good at but have let go to the wayside. Spanish is considered the language of love because its passionate and sensual.  And shouldn’t we be passionate about everything we do? Without passion life wouldn’t be a whole lot of fun. 

 I am hopeful about many things this year. I am hopeful to put more passion back into my life. I am hopeful that our country can heal, and that people can get back to work and living their best lives. I am hopeful that we can travel again and see family and friends. 

More importantly, I am hopeful that we have used this time to reflect and get our priorities in order. Having gone through an experience like no other, we should realize that we are really a small speck in a vast universe. We rent space on this earth. We own nothing. And without health we have nothing.

That said, we should be living our most meaningful lives, no matter how insignificant we think that life might be.

 Writing to me represents living my best life. 
To that end, I celebrated 2021 with a brand-new release. 

Here is an excerpt from By Golly:

Elle felt and sensed Miles’ presence behind her. She could smell that citrusy scent and feel his warm breath on the nape of her neck. Even though her heart thudded, she remained resolute. Miles’s hands caressed the back of her arms before he turned her to face him. Now she didn’t know what to believe.

“Carrie’s divorcing her husband. When she found out Justin was in trouble, she reached out to me, pitching the idea of getting back together, and providing a united front for the sake of our son.”

Elle spun around facing him. “You must have given it some consideration. You broke up with me.”

“I did not. I simply asked for time and space. We were both doing a lot of traveling. I was dealing with a troubled child and an ex pressuring me. Plus, we were in the middle of negotiating an international deal. There was a lot on my plate. I needed to work through some things.”

“Can we talk about Justin?” Elle said, switching the direction of the conversation. Miles had put her through a lot of misery. Had he had this discussion with her up front, perhaps she would be a lot more forgiving.

“Sure. We might as well sit. I have the feeling this might take a while. Taking her by the hand, Miles guided her back toward the couch. “What did my son have to say for himself?”

“Well, it seems he thinks you sent him off to school to get rid of him.”

“Oh, please. Justin knows better. We talked about it. He knows why I sent him to the academy. Couldn’t have a housekeeper bringing up my son.”

“Apparently, you didn’t do a very good job of explaining. He seems to think he’ll be going to live with you and your ex, and you’ll be one big happy family.”

“He’s wrong about that.”

“I did get him to promise me he’d go to therapy.”

Miles’ head snapped back and forth. Hie squinted at her.  “And why would my son need therapy?”

“Because he has problems you and I can’t fix. He’s hurting and doesn’t understanding why you and his mom divorced.” She held up a finger before Miles could interrupt. “It’s quid pro quo. Justin stops getting high and goes to therapy. You don’t send him to rehab. Now all you have to do is talk the principal, head of school, or whatever they’re called these days, into not expelling Justin.”

Miles reached over and took her cheeks between his palms and kissed her on the lips. “If that’s all it would take, you’re a miracle worker.” Before she knew it, he deepened the kiss, and those too familiar feelings came flooding back and she was winding her arms around his neck, relishing his warmth and drowning in the citrusy smell of him.

A knock on the door, drew them apart before things ricocheted out of control and she forgot she was still mad at him.

“What Lousy timing,” Miles muttered, heading off to answer the door.

You can pick up a copy of By Golly here:
Wishing you a special Feliz año nuevo!  
Live a passionate life and make it a good one! 

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   About Marcia King-Gamble

Romance writer, Marcia King-Gamble originally hails from a sunny Caribbean island where the sky and ocean are the same mesmerizing shade of blue. This travel industry executive and current world traveler has spent most of life in the United States. A National Bestselling author, Marcia has penned over 34 books and 8 novellas. Her free time is spent at the gym, traveling to exotic locales, and caring for her animal family.

Visit Marcia at or “friend” her on Facebook:

Be sure to join her mailing list.

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  1. Feliz año nuevo, Marcia, and may this be a joyous year for all of us!

  2. Thanks Lynn. Wishing a of us many sales and maybe a lucrative contract or two!

  3. Love hearing about your vision board
    And your books.

  4. Thanks Kathleen. Looking at that vision board has helped me navigate many a year.

  5. Your vision board certainly is a great way to approach goals and the new year. I remember doing something like that at a Women's Retreat with my church several years ago. I'm not a very visual person, so it was quite the challenge but also DID bring me joy.

    I hope your 2021 is everything you envision and more.

  6. Thanks Maggie. I am awful with resolutions so a vision board works for me. Wishing you the best of everything in 2021!
