Thursday, January 14, 2021

Wellness and Writing for 2021 by Lynn Lovegreen

I don’t have traditional resolutions, but I do have goals or watchwords for each year. Last year, my word was wellness. Ironic in a year of a worldwide pandemic, right? I did pretty well with it considering the circumstances, but thought I’d give wellness another try in 2021.


Here are some of my personal goals about wellness:

Drink tea and eat nurturing food, in moderation

Get enough sleep, even if it means sleeping in to catch up

Exercise three times a week and stay active (yoga, walking, hiking, etc.)

Spend time with loved ones once a week (often done online right now)

Those things help me stay healthy and well-grounded. I encourage you to try similar goals if you are working on your own wellness this year.


I also have some writing goals for 2021:

Write five days a week (writing, planning, revising, etc.)

Participate in critique groups

Give three online classes

The first of those classes is an online workshop for the Yosemite Romance Writers:


Amp up reader interest with a great setting! 

Dates: Feb. 1 – Feb. 26

PRICE: $20 YRW members/$25 non-members

Please feel free to check it out if that helps you with your writing goals this year.


May 2021 be a year of wellness, hope, and love!

Lynn Lovegreen has lived in Alaska for over fifty years. After twenty years in the classroom, she retired to make more time for writing. She enjoys her friends and family, reading, and volunteering at her local library. Her young adult historical fiction is set in Alaska, a great place for drama, romance, and independent characters. See her website at You can also find her on Facebook and Instagram.


  1. Wellness is certainly an appropriate word for 2021! For me that includes "vaccination" as in Shingles and CoVid-19. Lots of needles heading to my arm over the next several months!

  2. Judith, those vaccinations are an excellent idea. May your year be healthy!

  3. Wellness is always a good word in any year, but particularly last year and this year. I agree with Judith about vaccinations. We are also looking at shingles and covid vaccines this year.

    Lynn, somehow I didn't know that you taught online classes. Can you share what those are and where people might learn about them?

  4. Good idea to get those vaccinations this year!

    Thanks for asking, Maggie. My first class is coming up next month:
    Yosemite Romance Writers online workshop
    Amp up reader interest with a great setting!
    Instructor: Lynn Lovegreen
    Dates: Feb. 1 – Feb. 26
    PRICE: $20 YRW members/$25 non-members

    The other two are a settings workshop with Southern Tier Romance Writers in April, and a revision class with Hearts Through History Romance Writers in July. I'll have more information on my website next week at
