Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Here Comes The Bride - Me !

 For all the romances I've written, none of them feature a wedding. They definitely have a Happy Ever After but not a wedding, or even a proposal now that I think about it. I think that's because I believe that step is best taken unhurriedly. That getting to the point of committing to a life together is best done once you really know someone, warts and all.

Taking that sentiment to the extreme, after knowing my partner for over 10 years, and living together for over five, we are finally getting married! While our relationship has been nothing like a romance novel (and in reality, whose is?) the one thing it does have that all my stories have - a strong, deep love for each other and belief in our 'togetherness'. 

Love is the thing that makes romance novels relevant. It is something we all crave and at its heart, it's not about the romantic settings or the movie star looks or billionaires or cowboys or bad boy bikers that gives the readers what they want. It's the journey of falling in love and finding out that the journey has bumps in the road. That's what we relate to. Sure, it's nice to escape into the arms of a hunky hero but we know that our not so hunky other half is our own personal hero.

Even thought we're not having a 'wedding' per se (registry office with witnesses and a small get together with our kids and siblings) that still technically makes me a bride. Apart from the obvious excitement of getting married, one thing I'm thrilled about is that I'm no spring chicken and I'll be a 'senior bride' and that marriage isn't just for the young. Romance is for everyone, at any age. 

We might not be having a 'wedding' but I'm still excited about buying a gorgeous dress and a sexy venue

(see pic) and having a lovely night with my nearest and dearest. What's also exciting is that our adult children will be there and that adds a whole new 'something' to the occasion. Even though it will be low-key and casual, my son has said he wants to make a speech and that's so touching and will be so special.

With all this wedding talk and planning I'm thinking I just might have to give one of my future heroines a wedding. 

See all Andra's books on Amazon HERE

Follow her on Instagram @andraashesmutmaven


  1. How beautiful! Thanks for sharing your true, true love story!

  2. Wonderful news, Andra!!! Is the date a secret? May you and your own hero have the very best wedding and happily-ever-after!

  3. What a wonderful love story! Congratulations on your up coming wedding. I wish you and your family all happiness!

  4. This IS the difference between mature love and hormone attraction followed by justification of love. :) It sounds like you two know and trust each other and have already had time to test the relationship's staying power. Congratulations!

    Though you are not doing the big wedding thing, I believe you will find it to be perhaps more special because it is for the two of you and your immediate family. I loved the part about your son wanting to say something. Truly beautiful expression of sharing your happiness.

    When DH and I married (in our late 40's) we went to Scotland and combined wedding at a registry with out honeymoon. We did it because it was just for us and the thought of creating an environment where both families could afford to come (or we could afford to get them there) on either cost of the U.S. was just impossible.

    I did wear a simple wedding gown I made. He wore his one and only suit. We still had pictures taken to commemorate the day. Twenty-one years later we are still strong (many years longer than our previous marriages).

    Do it your way and enjoy every minute. I do hope you will share a picture though. Then it's time for a book with a mature couple and a wedding. :)
