Thursday, July 18, 2024

 HOT!!!     HOT!!!     HOT!!!    HOT!!!   HOT!!!

Not only is it hot where I live in Oregon, it is Hot most everywhere. My friends and family who live in various parts of the United States all say this is the hottest July they can remember.

What I know is true is that since late June, I’ve had one (1) day under 90 degrees and that one day was 89. I don’t know about you, but I can’t tell the difference between 89 and 90 so it all has melded together for me.

Those who know me will not be surprised to learn I’m counting the weeks and looking forward to counting the days until October.

Why October?

I’ve lived in Western Oregon most of my life and I do not remember Any 90 or 100 degree days in that month.


A few.



So, in 10 weeks, it’ll be October and this, for me, hellish weather, will be in my past.

I am grateful I have a heat pump so my house can be cool enough I’m not sick and in the ER (yes, I’ve been to the ER because of heat and I was drinking water to stay hydrated).

I am grateful I have family and friends who will run errands for me so I don’t have to go out in the heat.

I am hopeful that we’ll get a break and our high temperatures will be in the mid to low 80’s and our nights in the 50’s. While not my favorite temperatures, I can manage because it isn’t already hot (to me) at 9 a.m.

In my fantasy world, I spend fall, winter here and spring and summer in Australia.

Why not spend spring here? It’s not that hot…true, but there are plants that bloom in the spring that when I breathe in their pollen my lungs actually seize.

Spring and summer in Oregon would be fall and winter in Australia. It’s a great fantasy. I’ve been to Australia once and loved it. I’ve writer and Glasser friends there. It’s a great country and I could spend time traveling around. I’d love to see Perth and Melbourne and returning to the Butterfly Sanctuary would be fantastic.

Back from fantasy land…10 weeks isn’t so very long especially since I’m fairly certain there’ll be a few breaks in this on-going heat wave. And, I remind myself, it could be worse. Friends in Arizona are dealing with strings of days with temperatures over 110.

How do you deal with the heat? Or does it even affect you?

For a cool read, you can pick up books by any of the Genre-istas. I’m currently rereading (3rd time), Eleri Grace’s “Courage to be Counted”.

The authenticity of this book is exceptional. If you have family or friends who served in the European Theater in World War II, you’ll come away from reading this book about Vivian and Jack with a new appreciation for what they survived.

You can find my books at your favorite e-book vendor as well as through my website and Windtree Press. Print books are available at Jan’s Paperbacks in Beaverton, OR and Arte Soleil in Portland, OR. Get the addresses from my website. And be sure to ask your library if you’d prefer to read my books through that resource.

Learn more about Judith's The Sacred Women’s Circle series at

Check out Judith’s Windtree Press author page.

You can also find Judith on FB! 

© 2024 Judith Ashley


  1. So sorry you have to deal with the heat, Judith. I hope it cools off for you, hopefully before October!

  2. Thanks for the comforting thoughts, Lynn. I expect it will be cooler before October. I know we've had low 90 degree days in early September. I don't remember any in October which is why I'm focused on then. I'm fairly confident all will be well in 10 weeks.

    Another of my fantasies is to move to Alaska for the summer. I'd have to have black out curtains so I could sleep...or maybe I'd finally get used to sleeping when it's light out.

  3. Judith - if only we could transport ourselves to a climate that agrees with us, during each season.... That would definitely help our health.

  4. Thanks for joining my fantasy, Deb. What seasons would you move away from Maine and where would you move to?
