Saturday, August 31, 2024

Commercials that Delight Us


Commercials that Delight Us

By Dari LaRoche

I am a reader more than a television watcher, so it follows that I am generally not thrilled with commercials. Most times I mute them, then jump up and put in a load of laundry. Or unload the dishwasher. Or run across the street and check the mailbox. Or most anything other than watch and listen. 

Except for the Superbowl. 

True, I avidly watch the game. But I pay even more attention to the Superbowl commercials. 

My choices? Either poignant or funny … 


My favorites of all time are any of the Budweiser Clydesdale commercials, especially the one with the puppy. (Horses and dog are not from the ad.)


I also like the Superbowl commercials below, several of which I find really humorous.

One is the Betty White Snickers Ad (2010) featuring Betty White playing football at 88 years old and being flattened in a tackle. By the way, Snickers is my favorite candy bar. 

Or what about the funny everyday life thoughts like the embarrassment and humor shown in Amazon’s Big Game Commercial: Mind Reading Alexa (2022) 

Or what about this one? You know that old expression of it’s about as easy as herding cats? Well, here you see it. EDS Cat Herders (2000)

Since I also love to watch The Voice, I liked this commercial for T-Mobile’s “The Mix-Up” (2021) with Gwen Stephani and Blake Shelton.

And whatever would we do without our financially brilliant eTrade Talking Baby (2008) advising us about investing our money and buying stock?

Lastly, how can anyone resist my last one here referring to the Tom Hanks movie? FedEx Castaway (2006) 

Do you have a favorite commercial?

Is there one that always makes you laugh? What about making you think about something important? 

Make your own life a quality commercial

So, whether you are reading the next bestseller novel, or watching Netflix, or documentaries, or the news (and with the regular television programming, the inserted commercials), let’s all determine to make our own lives a commercial for happiness, joy, deeds of service, and a life well-lived. 


My website and my stories

I am a member of Windtree Press and you can find me there under the page Our Authors. I have stories now and one poem in two of the Windtree Press annual anthologies. I am also available at your favorite ebook retailer. To learn more about me and sign up for my very occasional newsletter, look for my website,

NB: All photos are from Deposit Photos. 


  1. Dari, I love the cat herding ad! I hadn't seen that one before. Clydsdales I've always loved. Thanks for the interesting blog post. Have a great weekend.

  2. Some that you mentioned, I have seen. The others I will definitely look for. What a fun array of silly or funny commercials. Not a big football / Superbowl fan, but I do sometimes watch it just to see what new and fun commercials pop up. Or...of course, we hear about those commercials after the game is played.

  3. Commnet above is form me - not sure why it came up Anonymous.

  4. Love these commercials, Deb!!! And your wise advice about our lives. So true!
