Friday, August 2, 2024

My Favorite Commercials

Hi, I’m Judith Ashley, author of The Sacred Women’s Circle series, soul nourishing romantic women’s fiction with light paranormal elements. My stories show you what life could be like if you had a place like The Circle where you are unconditionally accepted, supported and loved. And where, with this support, you make choices to overcome the darkest nights of your life to choose love and light.

Usually I’m not a last minute person, especially when it comes to writing blog posts. However, even though I’ve had this idea for this month’s “Favorite Commercial” theme since the Blog Queens first came up with it, I’m less than 48 hours away from it being published!

Why? Why have I waited and waited and waited?

Well it comes down to ‘fear’.

You might wonder what there is to fear about writing a blog post. I can’t speak for other people. For me it is the fact that blog posts with images are read and remembered more often than those that are not. And in the case of this post, I immediately knew what those images would be.

What’s the problem? Me! I do not like to search on the internet for anything if at all possible. The idea of scrolling through images of products or in this case pictures that would illustrate this post is my idea of a personal hell. Well, that may be exaggerating a bit…but not by much.

So, here I am now a little more than 12 hours before this post goes live (yes, I’ve come back and am now tweaking it). I have found images that if you’ve seen the commercials, you should recognize. Or at least I hope you do. And FYI: the second commercial was Much harder to find anything remotely resembling the commercial so you'll need to use your imagination for that one.

Once upon a time, I was watching television with the sound muted (because I have closed captioning and keep it on) and there is a buffalo on the screen. I will say my curiosity was pricked but that was all. No idea what the commercial was about which is pretty normal for me.

Over several months I saw the same commercial and was dumbfounded that any company would just show a buffalo in a restaurant…at least that finally registered.

One day it dawned on me that this buffalo had wings!

And I have heard of Buffalo Wild Wings! So, in this case, it took several months before I connected everything together. And I do remember the company…never been to one of their restaurants and I’m not sure I’ve ever actually eaten a Buffalo Wild Wing but I do find these commercials  fun and I find myself smiling as I watch them.

The second commercial that I smile when it comes on … actually I often chuckle and voice the dialogue … has a dog sitting in a chair and a guy on a sofa. This one I had no problems deciphering but had a enough of a challenging time finding images, I’ve decided not to put them up.

Don’t know what it is yet?

Here’s a hint. When the dog says “Vaase”, at least to me, I find that funny. After numerous opportunities to see this commercial, I still laugh and repeat both the dog’s lines and his human’s. If you’ve not seen the commercial, you may need to sound it out in order to recognize the humor.

I do understand that many people no longer watch “regular” t.v. that has commercials.

However, if you do, please do share your favorites

And be on the lookout all of August as the Genre-istas who do watch “regular” t.v. share their favorite commercials.

Spoiler alert: neither televisions, streaming nor commercials are featured in any of my books.

Learn more about my books, workshops and training on my website

You can find my books at your favorite e-book vendor as well as through my website and Windtree Press. Print books are available at Jan’s Paperbacks in Beaverton, OR and Arte Soleil in Portland, OR. Get the addresses from my website. And be sure to ask your library if you’d prefer to read my books through that resource.

Learn more about Judith's The Sacred Women’s Circle series at

Check out Judith’s Windtree Press author page.

You can also find Judith on FB! 

© 2024 Judith Ashley


  1. I've seen the buffalo wild wings commercial. I don't remember the chewy one. I think commercials are becoming even more weird.

  2. Barb, I agree some commercials are weird. I'm figuring the companies opted out of humans and used AI for them or AI was their test group. Most of the car commercials are reckless with drivers tearing up the environment to show off what the car can do...really? Buy this car so you can destroy the habit of a multitude of animals? Promoting reckless driving and destroying the environment are not values I want in a company I do business with. Rant over...

  3. Buffalo Wings I get, but I couldn't figure out the second commercial. We usually record our shows and speed through the commercials. Interesting blog post.

  4. Diana, the second one is more challenging if you don't listen to it. Barb figured it out

  5. I like the Chewy dog products commercial too, Judith! i think it's so funny because the dog is choosing the 'upper crust' pronunciation of the word 'vase'.

    I also like the Chewy commercial with two dogs talking to each other where the big dog gets so excited because a package is delivered and he's sure it's the "peanut butter box" of his favorite treats from Chewy.

    Fun post!

  6. Sarah, Thanks for the comment and reminder, I like the Chewy "peanut butter box" commercial also.

  7. Fun post, Judith! I'm one of those who doesn't watch many commercials nowadays. But there are some good ones out there.
