Saturday, August 17, 2024

Paranormal Romance with Cathryn Cade

The first time I met our guest this month was years ago when I attended an RWA meeting. I wasn't familiar with Portland, OR and she offered to drive me to the change of address for the meeting. She was so kind, funny, and down-to-earth that I am humbled to call her a friend. 

Cathryn Cade writes steamy romance in genres from contemporary paranormal set in Hawaii, contemporary MC romance, and Sci Fi space opera as CJ Cade. She has over 40 works independently published, with more to come.

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Paty:  Did you intentionally write a paranormal or did it come from the lore of the islands? 

Cathryn: The whole series actually began with a visit to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, on top of Mauna Loa on the Big Island of Hawaii. In the park headquarters were a series of gorgeous murals depicting Pele, goddess of the volcanoes as a beautiful woman, being honored by exceptionally handsome Hawaiian men in traditional dress. I developed a serious crush on the gentleman in one of the paintings ... And began to imagine a suitable romance for him. He became David Ho'omalu, the hero of WALKING IN FIRE; Book 1 of Hawaiian Heroes.
NOTE: The park headquarters are sadly closed until 2026 to repair damage from several small earthquakes associated with the latest eruptions, but should reopen with fabulous new exhibits.
Paty: OUr first trip to Hawaii we went to a show and they had Pele in the show. It was thrilling and fascinating as they depicted the history. How did you come up with the Hawaiian heroes in this series?

Cathryn: Pele's legend is that she used her fire to create the Hawaiian island chain. She now rests under the islands, but still protects them. My idea was that she sent 'heroes' with special powers to do so, the Ho'omalu family. In Hawaiian language, ho'omalu means protector. David's powers come directly from the volcanoes, his older brother Daniel's from the oceans, and from the sea god Kanaloa. Their cousin Lalei Kai-Ho’omalu, a society girl from Honolulu, learns to her shock that she can control the very wind and rain of the Big Island, and cousin Bella Moran, newly arrived from the mainland, discovers that the very plants and trees of the Big Island want to come to her aid.

Paty: The heroes are definitely hunks! Each book in this series is sizzling hot. What made you decide to link the heroes to Pele? 

Cathryn: Pele is depicted in Hawaiian legends as a passionate goddess who longed for a love of her own and sought handsome Hawaiian warriors of old. In the legends, the warriors had to trick her to find a way to be with their true earthly loves. Not to say too much, but this 'may' be a problem for our hunky David ...

Paty:  Each book is different, yet your love interests are mostly tourists. Did that make it easier or harder to ignite the spark between hero and heroine? 

Cathryn:  For me, it was only natural, as I am a serial tourist! My husband and I spend several weeks on the Kona coast of the Big Island every winter. As a tourist, I can easily imagine wanting to find a mate among the beautiful, gracious Hawaiian people, and stay forever, be a true part of the wonderful culture and ambience. I can also imagine a native being reluctant to fall in love with a haole tourist, but I've always enjoyed a spark of antagonism to begin with, heh heh.
Paty:  Having finally experienced Hawaii on several islands, I enjoy these books even more. As I read them, I can feel the islands. How did you make the experience so real? 

Cathryn: Thank you! The moment I disembark from the plane in Kona, I take a deep breath of the warm, humid air and just soak in all the scents and sounds of the islands and I feel myself begin to relax. Even just visualizing my favorite places on the island soothes me. So I try to truly immerse my readers in the experience. To me, a big part of the charm of reading books set in other places is feeling as if we've been transported there. It's a gift the author gives us, and a very important one. Otherwise, why not just have every book set in the same place?

Paty: I agree! I love it when I feel like I'm experiencing a new place through a book. What romantic tropes did you use in these books? 

Cathryn: Oooh, lets see, enemies-to-lovers, grumpy-sunshine, unexpected pregnancy, fated mates, lost princess, beauty and the beast, alpha hero, magical hero/heroine, super hero/heroine, last chance epiphany to name a few.
Paty: Wow! you captured almost all of the tropes! ;) Just for fun – Tell us what is your favorite activity besides writing and reading, because we know that’s a given. 

Cathryn: I'm going to have to say getting more acquainted with our new home here in central Washington state. We built a house, near the grandkids and other wildlife, with a quilt room for me—first one ever​. Meeting new friends and close enough to the old to visit. Not too far from the west coast to explore and fish. Life is good!

Paty: Wildlife and grandkids you can't get better than that! And a room just to quilt in! I quilt in my bedroom. That would be nice to have. Thank you for being a guest. If you want to find out more about Cathryn you can go to her website or Amazon author page: 

These Hawaiian heroes are out to save their island… but can their hearts survive unscarred?

For centuries, the Ho'omalu have protected the Big Island for their goddess Pele, while she sleeps beneath her volcanoes. But the battles they now face are the deadliest yet, as a California crime family attempts to move their illicit drug empire to Hawaii. Which will prevail, the paranormal powers of Pele's guardian warriors... or pure evil?

Walking in Fire
Hawaiian Heroes, Book #1 

Passion blooms on a Hawaiian beach… but danger lurks, hot and deadly.
When a young food blogger visits paradise, she falls for a big, handsome Hawaiian… but with glamorous women at his beck and call, she doesn't expect him to notice a freckle-face blonde like her. Until danger throws them together, and passion flows like molten lava on the flanks of Pele's volcano.

Rolling in the Deep
Hawaiian Heroes, Book #2 

Desire as dark as the deep Hawaiian seas… danger poised to strike.
On Hawaii for her best friend's wedding, a young tourist falls for the groom's brother. But the big, tough, tattooed Hawaiian has secrets too dark to share… until passion explodes between them. Caught in desire's net, can he keep her safe and rid his island of evil drug runners… or will he have to choose?

Blooming in the Wild
Hawaiian Heroes, Book #3 

Tropical romance blooms deep in the Hawaiian jungle… but deadly peril is close behind.
A young sporting goods exec leads a team of models and photogs into the remote Hawaiian jungle, for a photo shoot against the backdrop of tropical blooms, along with a cocky, handsome, adventure TV star. But someone wants her plan to wither on the vine. They may even want everyone dead. Good thing she has a hero close at hand… and a rain forest that knows what she needs, even before she does.

Burning Up the Rain
Hawaiian Heroes, Book #4 

Their hook-up is hot enough to set the rain on fire… but danger looms behind the storm.
When a Hawaiian beauty discovers she can ignite storms over the Big Island, she resolves to use her new powers to drive away crooked developers. But to evade the arranged marriage her mother is brokering, she'll need human help. A semi-public hookup with a handsome California tourist should cover it... until they uncover a sizzling passion that neither can deny. And what will happen when he learns she's no ordinary society girl?

Don't miss this sexy, thrilling Hawaiian package--get your copy of HAWAIIAN HEROES Box Set today!


  1. Cathryn, thank you for Guesting at RTG! Love your books! You neveer disappoint.

    1. Thanks so much for hosting me, Sarah. Author Paty Jager posed such fun questions about my series & writing.

  2. Judith, I plan to write more novellas set on Hawaii. And perhaps a cozy mystery or two!

  3. It was fun talking to Cathryn about a series I love. Looking forward to more stories set in Hawaii.

  4. Your books sound fascinating. Having been to Hawaii several times and love it I will definitely buy the first one.
    Good luck on your move and getting settled in your new home.
