Friday, September 13, 2024

Living My Best Life

By Diana McCollum

We are lucky. We, my husband and I, live in a small flourishing community. We have a large loving family, a lovely home, and beautiful yard.

We hope to live out our days here. With the increase in fire insurance and taxes there may come a point where we can't stay here any longer. (less income since we retired).

That is the worse thing about retiring. Stretching Social Security and the pension from my husbands Union work.

BUT until that point we are enjoying our retirement. My husband is gardening and building structures in the yard. I am taking painting classes, colored pencil classes which I've always wanted to take but didn't have the time. I work on my book too.

I stop and literally smell the roses everyday. My husband build me a rose trellis and planted a rose garden for my birthday this year.

I plan on living a long time yet. We have great grand children with another baby on the way. I hope to stay healthy and able to live long enough to see them grow up.

So twice a week I go to senior exercise and balance class. I walk in the park 4 times per week and we eat healthy mostly plant based meals.

So my thought on the future, I will continue living a healthy lifestyle. I will continue seeing family as much as I can. I will continue with a happy and joyful outlook on life.

Do you do any exercising on a daily basis?

(all pictures are mine, except the last one is from Deposit Photos.)


  1. I love your joy and gratitude. Yes, my dogs walk us several times a day (was every three hours with our new dog at first), I've always felt drawn to yoga, and now regular strength training and cardio. But I make sure to rest too!

    1. Melissa,
      Thanks for stopping by! It's wonderful you can enjoy your walks with your furry friends!

  2. What a terrific post, Diana. We miss you a lot here in Bend! So glad to see your living your best life. All the best to you and Lloyd!

    1. Hi, Marie, Steph,
      I miss you and the others so much. I hope all is going well with you and the boys. (men!)

  3. You are a great example of someone growing older with a zest for life, Sister! I love you.

  4. Thank you everyone for stopping by!!
    I love you sister Sarah!

  5. I love to hear about your garden. And so special your husband built you a rose garden / trellis set up. So special! I know how much you love your pretty location and being near family.
