Friday, February 28, 2025

Villains Creep Me Out!!! - Blast from the Past by M.L. Buchman

(First Published in 2020)


What can I say, they totally do! I've never understood the villain. The Hitlers of the world make no sense to me. 

Every writing teacher, and therefore most writers, say that the villain makes perfect sense from the villain's own point of view. No one is inherently evil.

This helps some but, for me, it is also a fallacy. I don't enjoy reading (or watching movies) that have true villains, not even gratuitous ones (especially not?). 

It took me years to write a true villain. I've actually only ever written one. It was for a writing class. The challenge? "Write something you never have before." Until then, I didn't write first person, I also had never written a true villain. So, I wrote one. I wrote him from so close first person that we never once rose far enough out of his head to reach the word "I".

I learned two things from that exercise:
1) the power of deep first person when used in the right places. It was an amazing lesson in character voice.
2) to never, ever, under any circumstances write a true villain again.

He spent a decade trying to get his horror novel. He stills creeps out of his hole on occasion (now almost two decades later) just so that I can shove him back under.

Did I mention that I never understand the villain? That's not quite right. I wish I didn't.


Now we're talking. There are many counterpoints to the hero's journey (and, no, I'm no Joseph Campbell, drawing some sharp distinction there, most of my heroes happen to be women). The conflict of circumstances, environment, situations (including war and danger), politics, any number of things. None of these require the villainous villain (VV).

In fact, for this writer/reader, I find much more impact when I discover the non-VV who we only thought was a VV. 

An example: In the reboot: Star Trek Into Darkness, Khan is the great VV...UNTIL we discover that he is doing it all to save his people. In Titanic (the Cameron movie), Cal is only trying to keep what's his. 

I think the real test for me on making a villain credible rather than repulsive is: Could I write the same story from the villain's point of view and make him the hero? Miranda Priestly's story in The Devil Wears Prada would be so easy to write. And not some mere tripe about how tough a woman has to be to survive in a man's world, or not only that, but doing everything it takes to make a difference: even trying to humble all of the wannabes with the trial by fire she runs Andy through--simply the best method of winnowing the chaff to discover the exceptional. And the cost to her personal life that she's willing to make to do that.

If I can do that in my head, then I know I have a credible anti-hero, rather than a merely mad or vile villain.


That is when I know I've really found something fun, when I'm rooting for the villain. When I want them to win. Not necessarily triumph over the hero, but to win. 
Here are a few of my favorite villains, that I wanted to win:
  • John Travolta as Gabriel in Swordfish. (Which he does in the final cut, but I actually prefer one of the alternate endings where he almost does...but not quite.)
  • Jason Bourne (who is absolutely a villain, just faced with a worse one). He almost wins, except his past gets every woman he's ever loved disenfranchised then killed.
  • the appropriately named Dominika from Red Sparrow (who wins, but sacrifices almost everything she is to do so)
  • Leon in The Professional absolutely deserved to win...and in a way he does. He is the hero's sidekick, but he is also a professional assassin for the mafia.
  • Who's heart doesn't ache for The Phantom of the Opera, or the unlucky-in-love contestants in Chess?
  • George Clooney in Up In the Air is definitely the bad guy...and you want him so much to have a salvation, but it all gets ripped away.
My definition of villain may seem a little odd. Bad deeds that aren't necessarily from being a bad person. Rather one just as thoroughly formed by choices and circumstances as the rest of us.

I actually just wrote my first "insane" villain, perhaps since that long-ago exercise. And yet, unlike that buried character, he is also empathetic and we feel his pain (hopefully). (Shadow Force: Psi #4, coming in September, At the Clearest Sensation.) 

To me, that is the what makes a villain likable, when we find ourselves routing for them.

USA Today and Amazon #1 Bestseller M. L. "Matt" Buchman has 60+ contemporary and military romance novels, and action-adventure thrillers. Also 100 short stories and lotsa audiobooks. Booklist says: 3x “Top 10 Romance of the Year” and among “The 20 Best Romantic Suspense Novels: Modern Masterpieces.” NPR and B&N say: “Best 5 Romance of the Year.” PW declares: “Tom Clancy fans open to a strong female lead will clamor for more.” A project manager with a geophysics degree, he’s designed and built houses, flown and jumped out of planes, solo-sailed a 50’ sailboat, and bicycled solo around the world…and he quilts. More at:


  1. Interesting blog post. Good info on villians or almost villians.

  2. Well said, ML. Now I'm going to spend the next week thinking about villains in my favorite movies....

  3. You've given me a lot to think about, Matt. Thanks!!!
