Monday, January 18, 2021

New Year's Writing Resolutions by Kristin Wallace

While most people make New Year’s Resolutions, authors tend to make Writer’s Resolutions. At least I do. Every year I have grand plans to write X number of books. Unfortunately, I made very little progress is my writer goals due to continuing health issues that mess with my ability to focus, which makes creative writing extremely difficult. 

Plus, the craziness of 2020 made it hard to even think about writing. But once again, I'm hoping to get back on track for 2021. I do have plans and plenty of ongoing projects to keep me busy.

I still want to reissue my inspirational series, COVINGTON FALLS CHRONICLE. I also hope to continue with that series. There are so many characters begging for stories in my quirky Southern town. I also want to get back to working on a new series called THE LOST ROYALS about separated siblings who find out they are royalty. 

Plus, I just agreed to be part of a Christmas Box Set with a "fake date" theme. The set will be out in October so I have to get writing on the as yet undecided project!!! 

Finally, there is a joint project/series that I want to publish with one of my author friends. It’s a modern-day take on Cinderella featuring a pair of magic shoes and a cursed Stepmother who might not be as bad as everyone thought. 

So those are my plans…now to get writing! 

Kristin Wallace is the USA Today Best Selling Author of inspirational and sweet contemporary romance filled with “Love, Laughter and a Leap of Faith”. The Christmas in Shellwater Key boxes et will release this winter. 


  1. All great projects! And I'm in a similar boat in that none of my 2020 Writing Projects came to pass. Your last 4 words are the key --- now to get writing!

  2. Great writing goals, Kristin! I love how you play with the tropes in the last one.

  3. The inability to focus is a real challenge! Your plan of revitalizing backlist titles while creating new ones is excellent. Chip away them a little at a time. If 20 minutes is your focus timeline, then plan just 20 minutes.

    You've taken the first step--signed up for projects and made commitments. The second step is figuring out how to execute. Starting writing is a huge part of that. Understanding what your body/brain will allow you to sustain is the next part. Hang in there. I'm pulling for you.
