Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Welcome to 2021 ... Delsora Lowe

I’m not telling you anything new—2020 was a rough year. And I assume a year most of us want to put behind us.

It’s always exciting to look forward to something new. A new year that is full of possibilities is always a treat, as each of us think about our goals, hopes, and dreams for 2021.
In the last month of the year, we experienced a phenomenon with two planets lining up on the winter solstice, we wandered through the holidays, whichever ones you observe or celebrate, and then we rang in a new year. Hopefully signaling a new beginning to slaying a killer viral dragon and working toward a healthy and hopeful year.

On a personal level, as a writer, it was a rough year. There isn’t much that keeps me from my love of creating–writing the stories of my heart. But late 2020 shut me down completely. Something I have never experienced even in the darkest, dreariest days of winter when it’s hard to put one foot in front of the other on some days for months on end from fall into winter. Even then I am only dragged under for a few hours or days.
In order to function, I had to relieve myself of all negative energy. And that meant not looking at the news, and not dealing with social media, something that is essential to my work as a writer. And essential in another way—that of keeping up with family and friends when writing becomes a lonely business with just me and my computer.
I was lucky to have several groups of writers who ZOOM, so that helped me stay sane. But energy levels remained at a stand-still for the months of November and December.

But onward into 2021. I vow to renew my spirit by setting realistic writing and personal goals. Goal setting is a tool that always works for me (except this year.)
I belong to several goal-setting groups. The very act of telling others your goals and then reporting in to others, keeps me on track. And when I have a bad day or week or month, those same authors are there to cheer me up and encourage me, just as I do for them. And those same people validate my feelings and my need to take a break. I need those relationships, as I am a champion at beating myself up when I can’t write. They bring me back to earth, empathize, but are also honest in giving me advice that I need to hear. And I do the same for them. .

So my advice, as we welcome in 2021, is to find those friends or colleagues who both hear you and help steer you out of the depths and back into the heights of enjoying your world, your family and friends, and valuing yourself. Set goals. Goals are a guidepost to give you the tools to reach for a wished-for outcome.
And whatever you do, give yourself permission to change those goals if need be, and permission to not beat yourself up, if you don’t reach every single one. Goals are meant to be tweaked. And there is no shame in that. They are just goals, after all, the very meaning of the word is “an aim or desired result.”

If circumstances change, then our aim or desired result may also change. All you’ve done is changed the trajectory or placement of that goal. Because yes, life does get in the way. Roadblocks appear out of the blue, and sometimes one needs to take an alternate route to reach your destination.

I’m raising a glass to the new year where anything is possible if we have the right mindset.
Happy New Year and Happy 2021!

The Love Left Behind



~ cottages to cabins ~ keep the home fires burning ~

Delsora Lowe writes small town sweet and spicy romances and contemporary westerns from the mountains of Colorado to the shores of Maine. .

Author of the Starlight Grille series, Serenity Harbor Maine novellas, and the Cowboys of Mineral Springs series, Lowe has also authored short romances for Woman’s World magazine. Her new novella, The Love Left Behind, will release in late fall, 2020.

Social Media Links:
Author website: www.delsoralowe.com Facebook Author page: https://www.facebook.com/delsoraloweauthor/community/ Amazon Author page: https://www.amazon.com/Delsora-Lowe/e/B01M61OM39/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0 Books2Read Author page: https://www.books2read.com/ap/8GWm98/Delsora-Lowe BookBub Author Page: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/delsora-lowe-93c6987f-129d-483d-9f5a-abe603876518 Goodreads Author Page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16045986.Delsora_Lowe Instagram: #delsoralowe / https://www.instagram.com/delsoralowe/ .

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  1. Yeah, I've had a rough time writing as well. I've been setting super short goals--like edit one scene, or write three paragraphs, or something ridiculous like that. Then, when I complete that small amount, even if I do nothing else, I've accomplished something. Good luck to you!

  2. One thing 2020 did for me is destroy my "wet noodle" you know that things with which we figuratively beat ourselves up. Good riddance! And you are 100% correct that we can always reset the goal itself or the trajectory of any given goal. We have Free Will and can change anything that isn't working.

  3. Thanks, Jennifer. Right now I am writing blogs that no one may ever see, but at least it is getting me back into the rhythm of writing. And...trying some other creative outlets. Hopefully that will spark the need (or more like ability) to write. I will try your trick too - good tip. It makes it easier to chew off small bites than do what I usually do - edit entire book by the end of month...or whatever. Instead - edit half of chapter one might just do it for me :-) THANKS!

  4. Judith- you are so right - the "beating myself up" is not working, but making it worse. So changing my goal timeline is what I need to do. and...have started doing.

  5. I totally agree, Deb. And like Jennifer mentions, there are goals of all sizes. I really like your idea, Jennifer. That's a way to feel you've had some success every day.

  6. Does it count that I actually opened a document today that I have wanted to work on for months - one small step... thanks Sue and Jennifer!

  7. I agree with all of you. Everyone made good points. I've kept my toes wet during this pandemic by taking online classes, writing book reviews and writing a blog once per month. Cheers! raising my glass and toasting 2021 as a much better year! New President, a vaccine and hopefully things will slowly be reopening.

  8. You are so right, Deb. This has been a helluva year. Achieving anything creative is a huge accomplishment. I agree with Jennifer, small goals are a great way to move forward without feeling overwhelmed.

  9. Great advice, Deb! Wishing you lots of motivation in 2021!

  10. Deb, I agree with Judith. If you've had wet noodle beating sin your life, it is definitely time to put them away. Everyone handles challenging times differently. Some people close down while others escape in their creative endeavors. And few people are all closed or all escapist. We are somewhere along that continuum.

    I did close down for lots of reasons--the politics and divisiveness in the national zeitgeist, things happening in my family, personal and financial challenges. They all added up to crazy-town every day. I coped by doing things that didn't require long periods of attentiveness. DO an FBpost here or load a book there. Do some research for an hour or format a book for someone. Update website and write goals for 2021. I did some writing--mostly short things like blog posts or course handouts.

    Sometimes just doing what you can in that short moment is the most you can expect. I gae up wet noodles about six years ago and it's the best thing I ever did. They were always so messy and self-defining. Without them I don't feel constricted to things having to be like they were before or like someone else thinks they should be. :) Just keep stepping forward and it will coalesce.

    One day you will wake up with a definitive direction and even a nascent plan. I have great confidence in you!
