Saturday, February 6, 2021

Love in Pictures

We all need connection.

Family life teaches us to give and receive Love.

We learn to love and be kind to ourselves.

We show love when we serve others.

At first romantic love seems like a game...

But I see love as a risky adventure , or perhaps a glorious quest.

May love fill your life with joyful memories.


  1. Early Happy Valentine's Day. We all need to be reminded Love makes the world go 'round."

  2. Thank you, Lynn and Mrcia for stopping by!

  3. Sarah, I wish I'd read this first before responding to Marcia's later post. I'm in total agreement with you that family life should teach us to give and receive love. On Valentine's Day we would always exchange little cards with EVERYONE in the family--sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents. It is also family that can teach you how to love yourself which is so important before having the ability to find and thrive with romantic love.

    All of your pictures were so fun and uplifting. Thank you for taking the time to find them, post them, and clearly express different kinds of love and how they all work together. Lovely post!
