Friday, February 5, 2021

What is Love?

 Hi, I’m Judith Ashley, author of The Sacred Women’s Circle series, romantic women’s fiction with light paranormal elements. My stories show you what life could be like if you had a place like The Circle where you are unconditionally accepted, supported and loved. And where, with this support, you make choices to overcome the darkest nights and choose love and light.

As a writer of romantic women’s fiction and contemporary romance this month’s prompt Love might have been an easy post to write. That would have been nice but that’s not what happened. However, since I’m also leading the Blog-Versation the weekend of February 13th, I now have 5 questions aimed at creating conversation.

Today I’m off in a different direction…a spin-off on the question “What Is Love?” There are many different loves. The love of a parent for a child and a child’s for a parent is one example. In romance novels, there is the romance between the main characters.

In my books, while each has that love story between the main characters, there is an underlying love story. That love story is not sexual or romantic. It is however about demonstrating unconditional acceptance of each other thus being able to “show up” however it is needed.

My own life includes being a daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother along with being a niece, an aunt and cousin (first and on down the line). Showing up is something I have done personally and professionally. Asking someone to show up for me is an aspect of life I’m working on.

There is a gift we give someone when we ask for assistance. It can strengthen our connection to others by inviting them to be an important part of our lives.

Because we celebrate love and relationships on Valentine’s Day, it’s important to not lose sight on February 15th, that this month as in every month we improve the quality of our own lives when we look for ways to enhance our connections to others.

A first step is to look at what we are doing and saying that creates distance and disconnection. Listen to your tone of voice, your word choice and preferably stop or at least limit criticizing yourself and others. Taking responsibility for how we feel and what we do instead of blaming others isn’t always easy but it can be done.

My books illustrate how you can create those unconditionally supportive relationships. I also share tips in my monthly newsletter. You can sign up for Choices here.

Look for my next non-fiction Yes, You Can Create The Life You Love by late spring aka early summer. And if you need guidance on handling stress, Staying Sane in A Crazy World is available as are all of my books at your favorite e-book vendor. Be sure to ask your local library if you’d prefer to read my books through that resource.

Learn more about Judith's The Sacred Women’s Circle series at

Follow Judith on Twitter: JudithAshley19

Check out Judith’s Windtree Press author page.

You can also find Judith on FB! 

© 2021 Judith Ashley


  1. God advice, Judith! Thanks for reminding us that we can connect with love in many areas of our lives.

  2. Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Lynn. Especially when we are stressed, our ability to see and appreciate what we have can be impaired. It isn't always easy to be grateful for what we have in our lives instead of what and who is not available in the ways we most enjoy.

  3. I enjoyed your thoughtful post, Judith. Staying Sane in a Crazy World certainly helped me cope through 2020 and early 2021!

    I am lucky to have loving friends like you.

  4. Love means different things to different people. Romantic or otherwise, "showing up" is a crucial element. That you are non-judgmental speaks to who you are and what you are about. This all said with Love!

  5. This comment really resonated with me: "unconditional acceptance of each other thus being able to “show up” however it is needed." It is one I believe in, but also often the most difficult to do. First understanding what is needed. Second, being able to truly deliver on that.

    What I've always loved about your Sacred Women's Circle series is the friendship among the women of the circle. That friendship and deep trust in each other is the foundation upon which those women have the strength to find and keep romantic love. All of us need that strong foundation. Some are fortunate to get it from their family. But those who don't have that kind of family need to find it in other ways by forming "family" bonds outside of their household. Some people form those in church groups, school friends, or even by adopting a friend's or relatives family as their foundational unit.

    Certainly that "showing up" is the crux of so many parts of love. It says to that person: "You are worth showing up for." And that is critical to self-esteem and believing that one is then worthy and wanted/needed to show up for someone else.

    Also love your Staying Sane in a Crazy World workbook. It provides a concrete way of understanding choice and control.
