Thursday, January 16, 2025

Another Blast From The Past

I'm Judith Ashley, co-founder of Romancing the Genres along with Sarah McDermed. 

I'm also Blog Queen this week and in that role I'm having fun looking back over the years. Sarah and I published the very first Romancing The Genres on May 1, 2011. We'll be celebrating the beginning of our 14th year this May 1st.

And over the decade plus we've been around, things have changed although not as much as one might think. 

We still post more days of the month than not although we no longer post every week day and every weekend. 

We still celebrate readers, authors and books . 

We still have a variety of authors/books represented by our Genre-istas and guests. 

We aren't as International as we were when we first started and Sarah and I miss that aspect of our vision.

In 2024 we had 415K views.

High on the list of all time views are

Laurie Schnebly Campbell's "Her Bonus Step" and

Eleri Grace's "May All Your Christmases Be White"

These two posts are a small representation of the variety of themes for which RTG is noted.

I hope you take a moment to click on the links and revisit or perhaps read for the first time two of our more popular posts.


Lynn Lovegreen said...

Nice reminder of all RTG has done--thanks, Judith!

Diana McCollum said...

yes, thank you Sarah and Judith for all you've done over the years! I'll miss reading the authors blogs. While I try to read all of them I don't always comment. But it is a ritual to do when I turn on my computer in the morning.