Friday, February 14, 2025

Airport Kindness

 by Diana McCollum    

A while back I was flying from Bend OR to Sacramento, CA. From Bend to Portland OR passengers were asked to put their carry on luggage on a baggage cart as the smaller jet didn't have overhead compartments. So easy, peasy.

Arriving in Portland I picked up my bag from the baggage distribution center, and proceeded to go to the next gate. 

I had to go down to the next floor and the escalator was not working. My carry on was large and heavy. it did have wheels so I could roll it arround from place to place.

Escalators wahen not working have very tall steps. I am a short 5'1" person. I stood pondering what to do as the elevator close by was out of commission.

A very nice young man asked if he could carry my overnight bag down the escalator for me. I said yes. What a kind person he was for doing that. I didn't ask him he just took it upon his self to do it.

I got on the plane and couldn't lift the bag into the overhead compartment. Another gentleman saw me struggling and took it from me and stashed the bag in the overhead compartment, and got it down for me when we landed.

On the trip back home to Oregon I was blessed with two more kind gentlemen.

I try to smile and open doors for people. I always talk to the waitresses, store clerks, and compliment them on earrings, clothes or hairdos. It makes their faces light up that someone noticed. 

As human beings we should always be kind to one another. Kind, gracious and courteous are good actions to incorporate in our daily lives.



Judith Ashley said...

And being kind, gracious and courteous to others brightens the world around us!

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Airport strangers can be so helpful. And happy Valentine's Day!

Diana McCollum said...

Thank you Judith and Lynn for stopping by.

Barbara Rae Robinson said...

I've had unsolicited help on airplanes too! So appreciated.

Dari LaRoche said...

Absolutely lovely post, Diana.

Marcia King-Gamble said...

I completely agree . It's those little gestures that continue to give me faith in mankind.

Sarah Raplee said...

I've met many kind people in airports, too. Great post!!!

Diana McCollum said...

Thank you for commenting: Sarah, Marcia, Dari, and Barbara