It's the beginning of a new year. I always find it invigorating to know I have another year to entertain myself and my readers. I've lived 12 years longer than my mom did so I tend to celebrate each year, month, day, and hour I have on this earth.
One of my favorite places to go to relax, unwind, and yes, write, is the Oregon Coast. The sound of the waves, the smell, and walking on the beach all rejuvenate and relax me. I usually go twice a year for a week at the coast to work on projects, enjoy friends, and walk the beach.
My hubby isn't a beach person. He'll go and stay with me for a night or two but then he's had enough. but he know that I enjoy it so he tells me to take a week and enjoy myself. He knows that writing and the beach are two of my favorite things.
It doesn't matter to me what the weather is like. I enjoy a stroll on a sunny day as much as I do on a windy or rainy day. The waves sound different, they burst into the air or roll in lazily. It doesn't matter to me, I find the different sounds and swells interesting.
While I only do that twice a year, I use walks on the ridges and hills on our property for my relax and unwind time. I like being in nature, taking photos, and enjoying the fresh air, blue skies, and plants.
I usually walk every day after I feed my horse and the two shop cats. But if the ground is slippery with snow, ice, or just greasy from too much rain, I don't walk. I took a couple of falls last winter and don't want to do that again. I usually get up unscathed but it jars my head and that shakes up the crystal in my head and I feel yucky for a couple of days until the crystal settles.
The walks are good for my soul as well as my health. Most days I walk two to four miles depending on the route I take. some days it's mostly flat and some days it's a lot of uphill climbing. My little dog likes to go with me, and has learned how to navigate around the sagebrush with her leash.
I have to keep her on a leash so she doesn't get too far away. We have large birds of prey that might think she's a rabbit and coyotes who could snatch her up.
Walking, being in nature, and breathing in the scents of the area are my favorite things to do to relax and unwind.
Paty Jager is an award-winning author of 50+ novels, 11 novellas, and numerous anthologies of murder mystery and western romance. All her work has Western or Native American elements in them along with hints of humor and engaging characters. Paty and her husband raise alfalfa hay in rural eastern Oregon. Riding horses and battling rattlesnakes, she not only writes the western lifestyle, she lives it.