George Guthridge
dilemma. The last time I looked, I was
male. I could ask my wife her opinion on
the maleness thing, but she’s at work and besides I would have to buy wine.
problem is that I have returned to writing fiction after a long hiatus, and I
want to write romantic suspense with an anthropological bent.
the Emerald City Conference I asked several writers their opinions about a
man’s name on a book cover. Their
responses approximated the vampire sign.
answer seems simple. Use a woman’s name.
Except it isn’t that simple. Because I was
four times a national award finalist in science fiction, fantasy, and creative
nonfiction, and won the world award as a horror novelist. Those were the equivalent of Ritas, not local
Adair, whose work I admire (and whose plots and settings are close to what I am
writing) suggested I use my last name but change the first to a woman’s or else
use initials.
have toyed with GG Guthridge, Gigi Guthridge, and, at a friend’s suggestion,
GiGi Guthridge. I like the initials
thing or something akin to it, especially since my friend George RR Martin
always has insisted his career wouldn’t have taken off without “Railroad” in
the middle. (Maybe talent had a little
to do with it; who knows?)
problem: Guthridge isn’t romantic.
by that name are, but that’s not the same.
One: I used to think the name is German, and (especially given that I spent 12
years writing three books about the Holocaust), I lived with a lot of
guilt. Then my elder daughter – who did
not read one, repeat not one, book until she was working on a doctorate – began
reading myriad books on genealogy, and found out we are Swiss. Scotch-English on my mother’s side – I’m a
direct descendant of William Brewster, the head of the Mayflower and, more
importantly, also directly related to the Mayflower Madam – but on my father’s
side I come from people who like to make watches and chocolate rather than wage
war. In other words, we make time and
take time.
a week ago my wife and I flew into Anchorage, the nearest place with a decent
restaurant, for a Valentine’s dinner.
She wanted to eat at the restaurant atop the Captain Cook Hotel, because
it has an incredible view of the city and the sea, and because I’m
well-insured: they bring out the defibrillator when they bring
you the bill.
never drink unless I’m alone or with someone, so after a Bailey’s and coffee,
two bloody Mary’s (named by Hemingway in honor of his wife, by the way), and
another Bailey’s and coffee, I came up with Georgi,
which I realize is a man’s name in Eastern Europe but which also can be a
woman’s name. I googled it at the hotel; the first hit was a website with a
sexy woman selling negligees. Okay!
in the morning my wife called me “Georgie Khaa,” which she uses when she’s
being sweet or when I’m about to get saddled with another honeydo project.
that you need some exposition.
is Thai. In the Thai language, “khaa” is
the polite expression woman use. Men use
“khrap,” often shortened to “kop.” Those
particles are similar to “usted” in Spanish, or, more distantly, to “sir” in
English. Except in Thai they’re used a
lot. I am clueless, even after 17 years
of marriage, why they occur in some sentences and not in others, and even Noi
can’t tell me. One of those
first-language things.
Two: As a child my family sometimes called me Georgie. I endured a couple of years of hazing as
“Georgie Porgy” until classmates realized that “kissed the girls and made them
cry” was going to elicit the response of
“kissed the girls and they liked it.”
few minutes later I said, “How about Georgi Khaa” as a pseudonym?
who reads romances in two languages (and whose idea it was for me to start
writing romances), loved it. We both
agreed that “Khaa” is visually catchy, and a quick check on the Net revealed
that no one’s using it for fiction. Plus to Noi and me it means
downside is the world award thing, but I was thinking that it can be stripped
on anyway. Cashing checks and the other
usual worries about pseudonyms aren’t problems with me. So the biggest downside is that it doesn’t pull
in previous readers, assuming any still exist. But I also read an interview in RWA with a woman who uses different
names depending on the genre.
I have narrowed the choices to –
your opinion?
--George. Or Georgi.
Or GiGi. Or “Hay U” (a name most
husbands have in common).
Hi George - I use my legal first and middle names as my pen name. That way I'm sure I'll answer! The bonus is that I now think of Judith Ashley in the positive as I only heard that moniker from either of my parents when I was in deep Trouble.
I like G.G. Guthridge - not one of your final choices but there are many authors who use initials. JD Robb comes to mind -
One thing I've seen some authors do is put links on their website to their 'other' names so that people can find them and check it out if they are interested.
While many husbands may answer to "Hay U", I'd forgo that one.
I like G.G. Guthridge, as well, but you have to choose what speaks to your heart. This is romance, after all!
Your dilemma about the World Award is a tough one. But I believe you will be drawing a very different crowd with romance novels than those who read your sci-fi and horror. In fact, in various critique circles, I've found sci-fi readers are often turned off by novels that smack of the type of writing so many romance readers prefer.
If it were me, I'd wait and get my agent and/or editor's opinion on the matter. If you are self-publishing, well - you're on your own! (With a little help from your friends and wife.)
Oh, and by the way, I use a variation on my middle name for my nom de plume like Judith does. Mostly because my real last name is often mispronounced "sleeze" and I really didn't think that would be appropriate unless I was writing porn. Which I don't.
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