Thursday, March 8, 2012

Passions or Hobbies

Everyone is passionate about something in life. Workaholics are passionate about their jobs, and sports fanatics about their sport teams. As a writer creating and sharing is just one of my passions. As a wife and mother, my family is a passion that rules my life. I love children, all kids not just my own, so that I try to include all children as if they were my own.

I love to volunteer at my kid's school both working in the class and on field trips. I also help out with my boy's cub scouts either in a leadership role or as just a parent. My kids love to see me in their classrooms and show me off to their friends.

A secondary passion of mine is my writing. I spend most of my time not associated with my family on writing. What has given me a lot of joy is running my Romance Writers of America chapter, the Rose City Romance Writers, annual contest. I've learned so much in the running, organizing and returning scores that I can tell my writing has improved greatly. My heart soars when I get a response from an entrant that our contest helped improve their writing or lead to a sale.

Another passion of mine, as you can tell by my genre, is the Steampunk community. It is a very close community, most everyone knows each other, and most are very open minded. The Steampunk community is very much about the do-it-yourself whether its in costumes, modifying things to make cool inventions or even writing about the ideals and inventiveness of the past.

As a writer, do-it-yourself steamer, wife and mother I could never envision my life without my passions. They are what give my life motivation and energy.

What are some of your passions? Do you think you could ever live without them in your life?


Paty Jager said...

Great passions Mae!
Mine are helping others, writing, and family. And while I don't mind being by myself for long periods of time(days)...I would miss family if they were no longer around to pop in and disrupt my life. ;)Helping others has been something I've done my whole life. as a child I volunteered for everything and have learned to cut back as an adult. MY writing... I would be crazy and neurotic without it. Before I started writing I would have horrific scenarios play out in my mind whenever my trucker husband would leave on a trip. Since taking up writing and putting my imagination to a good use, I don't have those scenes in my head and I don't have as much anxiety.

maepen said...

I can well imagine the scenarios that played in your mind Paty. When I first got married, my husband was in the 101st Airborne Infantry. I had nightmares of him being sent into war. Luckily, he got out before that happened. My grandmother always told me to do one good deed a day and I'd be a happy and satisfied woman. I try to keep that going every single day of my life.

Robin Weaver, Author said...

Hi Maepen--are those your kids in the pics??

Nice post!

Sarah Raplee said...

Love the pics, Mae! I'm a sucker for kids and costumes. :)

No,I wouldn't be happy without my passions.

Diana McCollum said...

Great post! Love the pictures!

Judith Ashley said...

I think having a balance in my life is important so while I do have my passions, things that have my blood flowing faster and adrenaline pumping - I also have those activities that slow me down, provide time to reflect. I need both to have the quality of life I want.