Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tips to keep the Office in Line

I should start out by saying I'm not the best housekeeper. I tend to let cleaning things slide in favor of a quick tidy up and close of the door to the offending room. *g* But I do find I have to keep a system in place in my office. I own and run a small press with two imprints, so I have a lot going on on a daily basis.

The first thing I suggest is actually assigning a day to do certain tasks. Mondays I typically spend doing nothing but answering email that has accumulated all the previous week and over the weekend that didn't make it to the top priority list. All important messages for the most part but simply not so urgent that I had to respond instantly.

Then I pick a day to look over, sign, copy and send back contracts from authors, artists and any new editing staff. This I usually have to do a minimum of twice a month.

I usually pick other days to work on release schedules, upload files to distribution sites, post reviews, update our websites. I have daily phone conversations with editors and artists worked between tasks like filling independent bookstore orders and updating files.

My desk is rarely clean of stacks of paperwork but each stack IS organized by category or function of the papers in the stack.

If I have one cleaning tool I love and adore it would be my iRobot vacuum cleaner. It runs around my floors all by itself cleaning, cleaning cleaning. I rarely have to stop what I am doing to rescue it from under things because it learns the furniture placement and remembers it. It cleans while I work. I actually own two of them and run them every other day. It work son the carpet and the flooring in the kitchen. The only thing better would be an actual maid.

If you learned anything from this it should be not to expect a shiny house if you visit me! Tidy but not shiny!


Judith Ashley said...


I've wondered about the iRobot vacuum cleaner. I've seen it advertised but ever the skeptic!
Love the idea of something cleaning, cleaning, cleaning while I'm doing other things. Wish they had something that dusty shelves and tables, books, knick-knacks,etc.

I agree that having a schedule or process that works for you is a wonderfully stress-reducing thing. And as busy as you are, you do need to stay organized or tidy.

Sarah Raplee said...

Laura, Your post is a blessing! I've been feeling overwhelmed lately. I love the idea of assigning days to do certain tasks. I would feel so much more in control.of my time

I, too, am a stacker in the office. Once or twice a year I go on a cleaning frenzy to cull the dreck and organize what has become chaos. You are more organized in your piles than I am!