I’d like to first start the post by apologizing to Sarah and Judith for flaking on them the last two months, and keeping them on pins and needles wondering if my post is going to be up this month. For all the things that change over the years, my procrastination isn’t one of them.
Anyway, I can’t believe how fast summer flew by. In fact, I can’t believe how fast the year is flying by! This June I celebrated my fiftieth birthday...yeah 50!! Seems like just yesterday I was thirty-five! (Seriously, I’ve been thirty-five for the last fifteen years. Haha) Actually, I didn’t mind turning 50...it’s just a number and state of mind and as they say, fifty is the new forty. Of course, no one told my body that. Over the summer, while trying to get in three trips, I learned I have type two diabetes. It wasn’t really a shock, I mean, it’s hereditary and nearly everyone in my family has it...I just thought I’d have another ten years before I had to deal with it. I won’t bore you with the details, but suffice it to say I now have to take a shot once a day and watch my diet...no big deal, right? Hah My sugars have pretty much stabilized and my BP (which had dropped way below normal) is back to healthy and I'm feeling human again. In fact, now that everything is back to normal, it’s time to roll with the changes and get back to work.
This October I am self-publishing my newest novel, House of Cards!! I'm very proud of this book because I feel it's my best work to date. It's definitely my best writing! Sometimes I even go in and read and think "Wow, this is good! Who wrote this??" hah
The book is a thriller, with the hint of a romance, and takes place in Brownsville, Texas. It's about Jesse Pena, a young woman who's trying to prove that her brother-in-law murdered her pregnant sister, but she's having a hard time getting anyone to believe her because she looks crazy half the time. And the brother-in-law has made it known to the press that Jesse and her sister are borderline schizophrenic.
I recently had the cover made by a wonderful friend and fantastic author, Robert Gregory Browne, and I couldn't be more proud of how it turned out.

Terri, Congrats on being in the half a decade group. It's a great place to be in life, I think,. ;) And congrats on your October release.
Thank you, Paty. It's very strange to say I'm fifty...I don't feel like I should be. hah
Hi Terri,
Great cover! And being 50 is wonderful. I've lived some of my best years since then.
Congratulations on the new release. Nice cover.
Thanks Judith. I'm planning to live by the adage, the best is yet to come. ;)
Thank You, D.
Nice to have you posting again, Terri! Taking care of your health had to take precedence this summer.
I love that your new book has a heroine who deals with a mental illness!
Happy Birthday!
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