Valentine’s Day has been and gone. The
chocolates are all eaten and the dead roses have been discarded, but has the
magic of love disappeared as well? I don’t think so.
Without romance the world would be a sad
and lonely place, and I don’t think I am alone in thinking this way. Tens of thousands of women who read romance
books know the truth. Love makes the world go round. No matter whether the
story finishes with death or birth, happiness or sadness, as long as, in the
mind of the romance reader, the ending is satisfying to them, they are happy
and ready to buy their next romance book.
Some of the best romance books I have read
had me crying at the end, but I didn’t feel cheated because under the right
circumstances, and as strange as it might seem to some, a sad ending makes for
a grand finale.
A short love scene from my recently
released novel, A Rose In No-Man’s Land.

He stood staring at her. He could not move, didn’t want to move, just
let his gaze wander up and down her exquisite body. He had escorted some of the great beauties of
Europe over the years. They could not hold a
candle to this lovely girl because of her inward beauty, a virtue they did not
He crept into the bathroom to undress so as
not to waken her then tiptoed over to the bed.
Carefully he slid in beside her, rolling on to his side so he could
watch her. Soon this wasn’t enough. He wanted to touch her, needed to do much
more but knew he would not waken her to do so.
With feather-light touches of his
fingertips he explored at will. Her skin
had the smoothness of porcelain, but it was soft, warm and alive. Laying his face up close to her, he inhaled
her rose fragrance. Never again would he
smell the perfume of roses without being reminded of Amy.
He closed his eyes and lay quietly, resting
his hand on her waist. He thought he
heard the sounds of distant artillery or perhaps it was the pounding of his own
"'Tis better to have love than lost..." You make a good point for said love stories, Margaret!
Your excerpt from A ROSE IN NO MAN'S LAND is beautiful.
I notice the heroine is called Sister Amy. Just curious; why is that?
Another sample of your beautiful writing - thank you Margaret. I'm also curious about 'Sister' Amy.
And, if love doesn't make the world go round, it does make it a better place to be.
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