It's hard to believe that ten years ago this year I completed my first
and second novels. When I was writing them, I had no idea they'd ever get
hoped they would, but it wasn't really a big goal. I
was just thrilled to have written, and finished, them.
This week marks the five year anniversary of publishing my
book....although not the first book I wrote...that took another three years
to happen.

Since that first day I put the kids to bed and sat at the computer, I've published four books (total), and although I'm not at the
level of success I had begun to hope I'd be, I'm very happy with how my work is
received. Reviews are wonderful and I rarely get something snarky from a
reviewer who just wants to rain on my parade. My work has even won a few
awards, given by readers, which is much better than being judged by other
writers. haha

Anyway, writing four books over the last ten years doesn't seem like a lot,
but it really is. Believe it or not, writing is hard work...especially for me
because I don't plot my work. I come up with a title, the characters and a
basic..."what if" sentence, then I start writing. For the most part
I'm just "throwing up words on the page", which wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to go back to previous pages and fix a plot point because it changed when I threw my smorgasbord together.
But....annoying as it is sometimes, that works
for me. It doesn't get the work written any faster but it makes for a fairly
clean first draft (story-wise, not punctuation-wise. Haha)
Of course if I were a more prolific writer, I'd be Allison Brennan. Yeah....not a bad dream to have.
Eventually I'll get faster at writing. I
almost have to or I'll lose the ideas for the other stories in my head. And, knowing that there are people out there, waiting for new work from me and enjoying what I've written so far is very humbling. I wouldn't be celebrating anything if it weren't for my readers, so Thank You!!
Four books is a great achievement, something to be proud of.
I too am a "pantster" when it comes to writing, so I know how frustrating it is to keep going back to revise the plot as the story progresses. I often wish I could be more disciplined.
But it's all worth it when the editors at the publishing house are happy with the product & in the end the readers respond with delightful enthusiasm.
Keep on writing!
Yeah! Terri - four books is an amazing accomplishment because I know you have a life outside of sitting at your computer every day. I also sit down and write and then go back and fix whatever is needed. I learned the hard way to just 'do it' first.
I think the organic or pantser writer's brain is wired a bit differently than the plotter's brain.
Thanks for celebrating your anniversary with us! And I agree with Shobhan - Keep on writing!
Terri, There's nothing wrong with being a panster if you know what you are writing toward. I started out just like you and while I still don't plot, I do have other things I do to help me get the story clearer in my head and keep the story moving forward and done sooner than when I went free falling into a story.
Congratulations on the four books!
Raising a glass of cyber-champagne in celebration! You are awesome, Girl!
Thank you, Ladies. Let's hope it doesn't take me another five years to publish again. haha
Congratulations on your anniversary!! Keep on writing! I enjoyed your post.
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