Here in Australia
celebrating Halloween is not as popular as it is in the US . In fact,
for people of my generation, we virtually didn’t celebrate it at all. The
present generation are starting to get into it though, and I have noticed
Halloween masks and costumes in some of the shops.
I write historical romance, no ghosts in my stories, but
there are some strange, unexplained things that do happen in my novel, Lauren’s
Dilemma. The really weird thing is that these occurrences or ones very similar
did happen, according to my grandmother. I can remember as a child her telling
my sister and I some of these happenings to members of her extended family.
One of her stories dealt with a young cousin who was
terrified of water and could not swim.
She was a sleepwalker and one night she disappeared from her bed. The
parents went in search of her and found her swimming around in a water hole on
their farm. The father jumped into the water to get her, the mother screamed
out, and the young girl woke up and drowned before her father could rescue her.
My grandmother used to say, it was bad luck to bring peacock
feathers into your house. Another of her
superstitions was regarding the wattle bush. It was said to bring bad luck and
death if you brought it inside. The wattle bush, which is covered in small, bright
yellow fluffy balls, flowers in early spring. It is very bad for you if you
suffer allergies like hay-fever or asthma. Grandma used to call wattle the
death flower because if you brought it inside your house, someone would
die. Needless to say we never picked it.
Thinking about this as an adult, I worked out that it was a
superstition based on fact, even if my grandmother didn’t know it. If you were
an asthma sufferer in the 1890’s with no proper medication, if someone did
bring in a bunch of wattle and put it in a vase on the sideboard, it could, and
probably did trigger an asthma attack.
Now back to Lauren’s Dilemma. This story is set during the 1st
World War. Lauren’s childhood sweetheart, Danny, is killed at Gallipoli (in Turkey ) in
1915. She mourns him but eventually marries another wounded soldier, Blair
Sinclair, and they go to live on an isolated cattle property.
On a couple of occasions, when Lauren (Laurie) has been in
danger, she thinks she hears Danny calling out to her, and on these occasions
she can always smell the herb thyme. Thyme grows wild on Gallipoli.
“One afternoon in
November of 1918, Laurie was in the homestead alone. Her father and Blair had
gone into town for supplies, and baby Daniel was taking a nap. The windows
stood wide open in the sitting room to let in the early summer breeze. As she
sat in an armchair she drifted between sleep and wakefulness.
“Laurie, Laurie.” She
opened her eyes and Danny stood near the fireplace. He was in uniform. His head
was bare, his brown curls just as windblown and unruly as she remembered.
“The war is over.” He
gave a boyish smile. “You can be happy now.”
“Laurie, great news.”
Blair dashed into the room and pulled her to her feet. “Heard it in town.
They've signed an Armistice at last. The war is over.”
“I know.” She did a
little jig.
“What! How could
“Danny told me. He
was here a minute ago.”
“Laurie!” Blair was
shocked as he stared into her over-bright eyes. “There's only us in the room.”
“He stood over there,
by the fire. I know it sounds crazy, but I saw him.”
Her cheeks were
flushed, her eyes burning vividly green, but otherwise she seemed normal.
“You dreamt it, my
darling,” Blair soothed, not wanting to upset her, because she was expecting
again. He vaguely recalled reading somewhere that pregnant women had flights of
“Maybe I did, but I'm
so glad it's all over and the soldiers can come home now.”
She smiled. Her face suddenly took on such a
serene beauty the breath caught in his throat. She blew him a kiss. Laughing,
he reached out and pretended to catch it.
“I think I hear your
spoilt son calling out.” She danced out of the room.
After Laurie left for
the nursery to attend little Daniel, Blair suddenly became aware of the
bittersweet smell of herbs wafting around the room. Some instinct drew him
towards the fireplace. There on the hearth lay a sprig of thyme.”

This is such a great scene, where a bit of paranormal sounds perfectly normal. I'll read the book.
I have a friend who has precognitive dreams about deaths in the family. Spooky but true! So it should fit in well with any kind of romance novel.
Loved the excerpt of from your book. Thanks for sharing your grandmother's stories.
Really good story, Margaret....
Thanks for sharing another piece of your writing and a bit about superstitions and Halloween in Australia. Your country and your family are such great sources for your stories!
Hi Shobhan,
Thanks for dropping by. I have always been a believer that truth is stranger than fiction.
Hi Diana,
Thanks, glad you enjoyed the excerpt.
Hi Anonymous,
Thanks you so much for dropping by and leaving a comment, I really appreciate it.
Hi Judith,
Thank you. I do like to write about Australia as you so rightly say. We have a very interesting if somewhat bloodstained history.
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