So, anyway, even though the ending of a year can be bittersweet, I love that we can end it celebrating a festive holiday. I've always loved Christmas; the smell of pine, the aroma of fresh baked cookies, colorful lights blinking in yards and on houses. When the kids were smaller we would take them on a drive around the neighborhoods to look at all the pretty homes. Of course, my favorite part of it all is the baking. Yeah, my daughter and I are diabetic and I could probably (definitely) stand to lose some weight....but it's become a bit of a tradition to bake holiday treats. When the kids were younger we did gingerbread men, sugar cookies, M&M cookies. But, our favorite is the 'no bake' cookie.
I haven't actually made any yet this year, but my daughter asked me for the recipe so I'm anxious to hear how they came out for her...they're really hard to perfect. I did bake some chocolate oatmeal cookies the other day, because I was in the mood for something sweet. Then I sent them to work with my other daughter. That's the beauty of baking, I can still do it and hand them off. haha
Another holiday treat tradition is the dessert we make every year for Christmas. It's called a "punch bowl cake" and I got the recipe from my aunt Alice, who passed away about eight years ago. I've made this cake a few times for potluck Christmas parties and it's always a hit. So, my gift to you, because you've been a wonderful supporter of this blog and of me, is the recipe.
Punchbowl Cake
1 box cake mix (your choice)
1 can crushed pineapple
1 can cherry pie filling
2 bananas
1 box instant vanilla pudding (make as directed on box)
whip cream
small punchbowl or equivalent
Bake the cake as directed. Once cooled, crumble the cake and place a one-inch layer on the bottom of the bowl. Add a thin layer of pudding, a layer of pineapple, a layer of cherry pie filling, a layer of sliced bananas. Spread whipped cream over the top then repeat the process.
Pretty simple, huh? You can use any flavor cake. I've used yellow or red velvet. And I add food coloring to the pudding or cake mix to make it more festive. With the final layer you can sprinkle colored sugar on top and garnish with a cherry.
Happy Holidays!! Enjoy!!
Looks delicious, Terri! How you have time for the baking with your writing and the Desert Dreams Conference, I don't know.
And, readers, if you want a great place to learn more about writing and meet great authors, check out the Desert Rose Chapter's website and click on Conference. Desert Dreams is held April 4 - 6 and if you live in the northern states you'll get a break from the weather! as well as learn a lot and meet great people like Terri!
www.DesertRoseRWA.org for more information (Conference Tab is at the top).
Thanks Judith. =)
Wow, what an awesome cake! Happy Holidays!
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