But now and then a story needs a bit of brainstorming before it can fully form in my mind. This is when I turn to my writing friends and start a brainstorming session. Sometimes it can be as simple as writing my thoughts for my story down in an email and as I write ideas come to me. Some sessions are in person, or on the phone, or online in private messages. Having someone ask me question helps to open up possibilities and add dimension to my characters.
If I'm in the middle of a story and feel stuck or the story is slogging, I contact a friend and sift through the conflict, plot, and characters to see where I might have strayed.
Having critique partners and beta readers to use as collaborators in my book writing process allows me to put out a quality story.
Also having groups like RWA(Romance Writers of America) COWG (Central Oregon Writers Guild) and other online groups and FB groups and the author cooperative, Windtree Press, that help with questions, promotion, and support, makes writing and publishing a book these days not such a lonely occupation.
I also enjoy when I can meet face to face with other writers to talk about the business side of writing as well as what has been happening in the industry. A group of writers in my area meet monthly for lunch and discuss many things, but mostly writing.
It takes a community of like-minded individuals to help support a writer.
Writing into the Sunset
Everything you said rings true, Paty! Great post.
It does take a community to get a book written and out there for readers to find. Hope your move still allows you to join those monthly meetings.
Being one of those writing buddies you meet with for lunch, I can say I have garnered so much very important information on craft and the business side of writing from those meet ups. It takes a Village to write a book, right?
I started off working alone, then found a couple of writing buddies on Facebook who were absolutely key to helping me progress and get published. Then I found a community called the Science Fiction Romance Brigade. I didn't even know the genre existed or realize that's what I was writing until then, and it made such a difference.
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