By Maggie Lynch
Whenever writing about changes in publishing, the question one needs to first address is how many years of history to include? For the purpose of this article, I will only address the last fifteen years: 2000-2014.
I choose that period because it is the beginning of massive change.
Before 2000, traditional publishing had run the same way for the past 100
years. In fact, I can remember publishing a textbook about online learning in
1998 and a second one in 2000 and asking the publisher to create a website with
digital links in it.
The publisher (a worldwide textbook publisher based in
London and New York) balked at that suggesting that no one would want to go
online to get information from a link in a paper book. It wasn’t until a book
in 2004 that I finally got a website. My how five years makes a huge
Traditional Publishing Changes
Five years ago, traditional publishing was the only
game in town for an author wishing to reach an audience that extended beyond
their personal family and friends. But getting a traditional contract had grown
progressively more difficult since the 1980’s.
At the end of the 1980’s and
into the 1990’s publishing morphed to become large media conglomerates. The Big
5 publishers of today are content publishers. They do that through books, radio,
television, movies, and games. When you
have nothing else to do look up Bertelsmann, the parent company of PenguinRandom House and other media corporations. You will see that publishing books
is not it’s only, nor it’s biggest, money maker.
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By the mid-1990’s traditional publishing changed from a model of buying books they liked and investing in that author for the future, with a plan to “break them out” around book five or eight if sales were decent, to a model focused on acquiring bestsellers that could also be made into movies and games and plays. Authors were easily abandoned by the second book or third if sales weren’t always on an upward trajectory.
The book distribution model five years ago was based
on large booksellers (B&N, Borders, Walden, Crown) and big box stores
(Walmart, Target). Small indie bookshops were ignored, and ebooks were
relegated to small online publishers that received authors who couldn’t publish
anywhere else or published in genres the big guys weren’t interested in (like
erotica before 50 Shades of Gray). What a difference only five years make.
As of last May, the number of indie bookshops in the
U.S. was 1,664—actually an 11% increase over the past five years. The only big bookseller
left among the ones named above is B&N and they have announced they are
closing about 220 stores over the next decade.
On the ebook side, in 2010 there was one big ebook
retailer. Amazon had 22% of the market. Now there are many big ebook retailers
that are online only (Kobo, Nook, Apple, Rakuten, and others). Though Amazon
has ~50% of the U.S. market, they have significantly less outside the U.S. In
many countries Apple and/or Kobo are the only big ebook retailers, and Amazon
has no market. Simultaneously thinking locally and globally is critical to
authors today.
The next hurdle for bookstores is how to get a bigger
slice of the ebook pie if they are to compete successfully in the long term.
Consumer Buying Changes
In addition to the significant changes in print and
brick and mortar stores are the changes in consumers' buying habits and choices.
Now books compete with audiobooks, enhanced books, series books, even twitter
books. In addition, a multitude of “free” books, heavily discounted books (a
boxed set of nine novels for 99 cents), and a variety of membership clubs
online (Kindle Unlimited, oyster, scribD) have put downward pressure on pricing
and built consumer expectations of what a book is worth. This is just in the
book marketing space. In addition, there is the usual competition of music,
movies, games, and other entertainment-related sales and the book tie-in to all
those options.
On the consumer side, the ugly industry realities that impact traditionally published and self-published authors alike are: consumer impulse buying with free or heavily discounted books that have led to purchased books never being read and therefore never reviewed or recommended. This means that in addition to lower and lower pricing, there is less and less word of mouth sales. All of that leads to discoverability challenges for everyone—including Amazon.
This article, therefore the answer to that question, continues next Saturday, December 13, 2014.
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Maggie's love of lifelong-learning has garnered degrees in psychology, counseling, computer science, and education; and led to opportunities to consult in Europe, Australia, and the Middle East. Since 2013, Maggie has enjoyed the luxury of writing full-time. Her adult fiction spans romance, suspense, and speculative fiction titles under the name Maggie Jaimeson. She writes young adult fiction under the name Maggie Faire. Her non-fiction titles are found under Maggie McVay Lynch.
Maggie's love of lifelong-learning has garnered degrees in psychology, counseling, computer science, and education; and led to opportunities to consult in Europe, Australia, and the Middle East. Since 2013, Maggie has enjoyed the luxury of writing full-time. Her adult fiction spans romance, suspense, and speculative fiction titles under the name Maggie Jaimeson. She writes young adult fiction under the name Maggie Faire. Her non-fiction titles are found under Maggie McVay Lynch.
I'm amazed at the changes I've seen since jumping into the writer pond! Still miss Borders! I do love how the attitude toward indie published authors has shifted from pariah to best sellers!!!
Thank you for sharing your perspective and expertise with us, Maggie.
Thanks for giving me the chance to share my opinions and findings. Now that publishing has moved into the technology world, we are all going to see it continue to change. Currently technology changes at six to eight month pace. The more that book publishing embraces technology, we can expect that same timeline for changes. Now books can be electronic, enhanced-ebooks, audiobooks, games, some combination of all of the above.
It's both exhilirating and tiring to be in the midst of all this change. The key is being open and learning what you can.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge so generously, Maggie! I agree that frequent changes are a certainty. Can't wait to read Part 2 next Saturday! You always inspire me to stretch and grow.
The changes to the publishing industry has truly changes so much in the past 15 years. I think in away it is harder for the consumer now to choose with so much material readily available. Do you think this trend of buying e books might follow the path of buying LP records for record players which is making a come back in the music industry?
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