By Judith Ashley

All of my books in The Sacred Women's Circle series include one or more of the Sabbats,
holidays that celebrate the turn of The Wheel of Life:
10/31 - Samhain
12/21 - Yule/Winter Solstice* this date does move
because it is the longest night
02/01 - Imbolc
03/21 - Ostara/Spring Equinox* date also moves because
days/nights are even
05/01 - Beltane
06/21 - Litha/Summer Solstice* date also moves because
it is longest day
08/01 - Lammas/Lughnasa
09/21 - Mabon/Fall Equinox* like Ostara the
days/nights are even

For many people who follow earth-centered
spirituality, The Wheel starts at Samhain. For Lily Hughes, the heroine in the
first book in The Sacred Women’s Circle series, The Wheel starts with Yule or
Winter Solstice. She marries her hero on the Summer Solstice or Litha.
Diana Pettybone makes a momentous decision about her
marriage and her relationships with her women’s circle. Marking her journey
using The Tarot along with the Sabbat’s she finds her happily-ever-after on
Ashley Kenner’s fight to survive a bout with recurring
breast cancer is supported by her animal totem, the dragonfly. Struggling with
the effects of chemotherapy, she finds solace in celebrating Samhain and Yule
and marries on the Spring Equinox.
Hunter Compton thinks she’s lost everything when her
daughter Logan runs away. Instead she finds love again. She and Grant find
their way from the past to the present and marry on Mabon or the Fall Equinox.
first five books are available through major distributors, my website and Windtree Press. The next two books will be in 2016.
Gabriella Montcrief struggles to overcome an abusive
childhood believing no one would want her if they knew. With the support of her
sacred women’s circle, she does find her way out of the darkness and is able to
marry her hero on Imbolc, the Sabbat of light.

As you can see, although my stories are not
traditional holiday-themed romances, each does include one or more of the
Sabbats. My version or understanding of the Ceremonies surrounding these sacred
days are included in each book. In addition you get a peek at how these women
celebrate them. And if you read the series starting with Lily, you’ll have information to create your own sacred women’s
Questions? Just ask.

You can find Judith on Twitter: JudithAshley19
Check out Judith’s website.
Judith has an author page at Windtree Press.
Judith posts every Monday here.
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Judith, I find your stories about the Sacred Women's Circle interesting because I've not heard or learned much about the seasons, events you talk about in the books.
Sounds like a great series, Judith!
Thank you for sharing the nature-based holidays. You are right that most people think of Christmas or think of the Christian holidays (at least here in the U.S.) when they think of holiday stories--particularly at this time of year.
I've written two holiday themed stories--neither a Christmas story. One is a New Year's story and the other, coming out in a few days, is a Thanksgiving story. There are many holidays at this time of year. I suspect based on your spiritual beliefs, your location and culture, there are many holidays most of us don't know. One's I haven't seen stories on, but would love to see are: Rosh Hashanah (start of Jewish New Year--this year in September); and Yom Kippur, Jewish day of atonement and abstinence; Hijra (Islam New Year); Bodhi Day--Rohatsu, Buddist; Chalica, a week long celebration of the Unitarian Universalist principles; Kwanzaa (Dec. 26-Jan. 1) honoring the values of ancient African cultures, and each day honors a different principle; and there are many Hindu holidays this time of year that I can't keep track of them all. One of the ones I really love is Navaratri which celebrates the triumph of good over evil.
I know I am leaving out many other spiritual holidays because there is so much I don't know. I would love to see good stories for all of these.
Paty, thanks for stopping by. The US is a very spiritually and religiously diverse country. While I may highlight the traditions of earth-based spirituality, your "Spirit" series sheds light on the traditions of the Nez Perce. I do believe the more we understand and respect the beliefs of others the more peaceful our world will be.
Thanks, Lynn. And each book has been fun to write!
Maggie, I love your "The Hogmanay Stranger". Romance novels are a great way to share various traditions and beliefs. I, too, would love to see more stories centered around different traditions.
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