by Rosalie Redd

As romance authors, we strive for
the happily ever after at the end of the book. In many ways, the hero and
heroine grow, learn about themselves, overcome obstacles, and often, are
thankful. They are thankful for what they have, thankful for having someone in
their lives, thankful to be alive. I’m grateful that I get to write about these
types of characters and their emotional growth. I’m also grateful for my
health, my friends, and my family.
In honor of Thanksgiving, I
searched for some inspirational quotes on thankfulness to share with you. Here
are a few that inspired me.
The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life. Robert Louis Stevenson
Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion
of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown
in acts. Henri Frederick Amiel
Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns. I am
thankful that thorns have roses. Alphonse
I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out my nose. Woody Allen
How about you? What are you
thankful for?
After finishing a rewarding career
in finance and accounting, it was time for Rosalie Redd to put away the
spreadsheets and take out the word processor. She writes Paranormal/Science
Fiction Romance inspired by classics from the science fiction, fantasy, and
horror genres layered with a good, hot dose of romance.
She currently lives in Oregon,
where rain is just another excuse to keep writing. When not at her computer,
you can find her at Jazzercise, waterfall collecting in the Pacific Northwest,
or relaxing with her husband and their pesky cat, Snookums.
Rosalie Redd ~ Discover otherworldly love…
I am thankful for Family, Friends, Health, Home , food on the table and, I am thankful for the internet and all my friends out there in cyber land!
Hi Diana, Oh yes! Can't forget about all the people we know on the web. I've met several good friends that way. Thanks for sharing!
Great post, Diana. I am thankful for health, my family and friends, and being able to have writing in my life.
Hi Lynn,
Yes, I agree about being thankful for being able to write. Love it! Thanks for commenting!
I'm thankful and a bit surprised that I've made cyber-friends through my writing. I'm grateful every time someone asks me about my writing. And I'm particularly grateful every time I see my great granddaughter (now 6 months old) and she smiles because I'm there.
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