I’m Judith Ashley and I write romantic fiction that
honors spiritual traditions that nurture the soul.

Book covers!!! Specifically the covers on my books.

The covers for Lily
and Elizabeth are directly
related to those stories. Lily Hughes spends time along the California coast.
Elizabeth Elliott sees visions of the sacred grove and those visions draw her
to Ireland.
However in Diana
the setting on the cover is designed to show the reader the stark emptiness of
her life but there is hope. See the crocus?
is one cover that really doesn’t show setting. It does show dragonflies which are
very important to the story.
Hunter's cover evokes movement and water. Hunter is a dancer and much of
the story takes place on the shore in Rhode Island.

For Sophia I’m
looking for gardens. When I go back to look for more pictures I’m narrowing it
down to Victorian Gazing Ball in a garden and see what that brings.

My covers also have overlays—muted images overlaying the
stronger picture of the setting. These overlays are connected to the
sub-title of each book. Lily’s
subtitle is “The Dragon and The Great Horned Owl”. Can you see the overlays?
In addition, in the upper left-hand corner you’ll see
a circle of crystals. Something is different about that circle of crystals on
each cover. Can you see what that is?
Three comments will be chosen at random from all comments with the correct answer AND the additional requested information that follows. Each winner will receive a free e-book of her/his choice from The Sacred Women's Circle series. In addition to the 'right answer', your comment needs to include
the name of the book you want, the file format (mobi for Kindle, e-pub for
everyone else) and your email address.
You can learn more about The Sacred Women’s Circle
series on my website.
Check out my Windtree Press author page.
Follow me on Twitter: @JudithAshley19
I’m also on Facebook.
© 2016 Judith Ashley
Cool post, Judith. I had no idea covers could be so intricate! :-)
Because I already know the answers, having spoken with you about them, please don't enter me in the drawing. However, I do want to say that I LOVE your covers. You have put a lot of thought into them, but the reader doesn't have to know all of it. When they see your cover they see the primary image of the main character. The subtleties in the backgrounds and muted, shadowy elements are noted by the subconscious without it necessarily becoming conscious until the reader gets into the story.
Really well done, and an example of how to get important elements in without overwhelming the focus image--the primary character.
I love all your covers, Judith! It looks like each book in the series has a crystal in the cluster. As each book is published one crystal for each book sparkles white. For instance, 'Diana' is book three so her cover the cluster of crystals has 3 white ones and 3 purple ones. I'm reading "Lily" now, great story. If I win I'd like the next in the series, 'Elizabeth'. I have a nook.
Thanks for stopping by, Lynn. Until I indie published and had input into my covers I wasn't aware of all of the elements either. I also took a How to Create a Book Cover class from Maggie Lynch and Christy Caughie that was excellent. I may even try to create my own simple covers for the short stories/novella's that will go with this longer length novels. I will say Book Covers are a world unto themselves!
Thanks, Maggie. Wish I could take create for them. Of course I had some ideas but most of them came from my friend and graphic designer, Lois Regn. But it was the magic of Christy and Gilded Heart Design that made them shine.
Thanks for stopping by, Diana. You are correct. It is the element of the crystal circle that carries a subjective about where the book fits in the series. I'm excited that Christy is finishing them up. Hopefully I'll be able to share the new covers here on the first Friday of March or April.
I'm glad you like "Lily". I'll email you about getting "Elizabeth".
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