By Courtney Pierce
Whether verb, noun, metaphor, or backstory, writers love masks.
When our characters wear them, either literally or figuratively, they create interesting
layers that peel back to reveal their inner dimensions. Hidden agendas steel
under the cloaks of our antagonists. Trauma damage prickles beneath the skin of our
heroines. What lurks behind their expressions and nervous ticks drives tension
and suspense, and even humor.
In my current trilogy series about the middle-age Dushane sisters,
my protagonist is a romance writer. After thirty-two years of marriage, she suffered
the loss of her husband from a hit-and-run accident. Olivia Novak smiles in
public, shakes hands, and greets readers like a pro, but then obsessively hunts
down white Suburbans to find the culprit. She hounds the police to report the
description of every vehicle she finds and records the license number. She
cleans like fiend and talks to her cat to ease the shrapnel of her loss and
loneliness. Her two sisters, Lauren and Danny, have Olivia's number, the only ones allowed a peek behind her mask.
Digging below the surface of our characters is a hoot for both
writers and readers. The page fills with secret information that drives us to
write more, want more. That’s why I love trilogies. I can burrow into
my characters’ motivations, wishes, and wants. I can’t go that deep in a mere
three hundred pages.
By the third book (I’m finishing Indigo Legacy now), I get to sit back
like a therapist with pad of paper in hand. I talk to the sisters, ask questions, and
take notes for their file. And darned if they don’t spill their secrets to me
as I write. I raise an eyebrow in surprise as they blurt out the ridiculous. I scowl
when they teeter over the line of morality. These complex characters come alive, like
real people I know.
I peer over my glasses. “Why did you say that to Lauren in that way,
“I don’t know. I just did,” she says to me and sniffs.
“Double-down on that, Olivia. You didn’t want your sister to know
how insecure you feel, but you need to have all the answers.”
Olivia pulls her gaze from mine in a moment of silence. “Maybe.
But Lauren needs to stand on her own two feet. I’ve been alone for five years.”
She glances back at me, her expression defiant. “I don’t have a man at my side
taking care of me. Everything I do, I have to do for myself.”
“Your sister’s alone too,” I say.
Olivia stares at her lap and twists the wedding band she still
wears. “I know.”
“You should apologize.”
“I will. But not yet.”
And so it goes . . .
Gestures and glances. Fiddling with jewelry with whispered responses. Heart food for writers when we write these scenes, like a shot of CoQ-10. I
live to bore under my characters’ skins, because I’m boring into mine. Masks
are removed with these small moments that deserve a whole paragraph.
Relationships have masks too. Characters might keep the peace on
the surface while churning with self-doubt or fear. Fear of being alone, of dying
alone, and reaching beyond their comfort limits to make sure that doesn’t
happen. Past hurts toxify their ability to be trustful and open, preventing
them from risking rejection. They shrink back at a seemingly benign
comment, triggering an ingrained reaction like Pavlov’s dog. Readers understand and
empathize, and root for my heroine to conquer her demons.
These are the little things that make characters interesting and
relatable. They keep readers turning the page. And I, as their creator, feel
triumphant when I get my characters over the hump to unmask who they really are.
Courtney Pierce is a fiction writer living
in Milwaukie, Oregon. She writes for baby boomers. By day, Courtney is an executive in the entertainment industry and uses her time in a theater seat to
create stories that are filled with heart, humor and mystery. She has studied
craft and storytelling at the Attic Institute and has completed the Hawthorne
Fellows Program for writing and publishing. Active in the writing community,
she is a board member of the Northwest Independent Writers Association and on
the Advisory Council of the Independent Publishing Resource Center. She is a
member of Willamette Writers, Pacific Northwest Writers Association, She
Writes, and Sisters in Crime. The Executrix received the Library
Journal Self-E recommendation seal.
Check out all of Courtney's books at: and
Both print and E-books are available through most major online retailers,

York Times best-selling author Karen Karbo says,
"Courtney Pierce spins a madcap tale of family grudges, sisterly love,
unexpected romance, mysterious mobsters and dog love. Reading Indigo
Lake is like drinking champagne with a chaser of Mountain Dew. Pure
Colorful characters come alive in
Courtney's trilogy about the Dushane sisters. Beginning with The
Executrix, three middle-age sisters find a manuscript for a
murder mystery in their mother's safe after her death. Mom’s book gives
them a whole new view of their mother and their future. Is it fiction . . . or
out the popcorn as the Dushane Sisters Trilogy comes to a scrumptious
conclusion with Indigo Legacy. Due out in early 2017.
Love it when characters surprise the writer with words or deeds. Loved The Executrix. I've Indigo Lake on my TBR list.
I love your books, Courtney, and I also love it when characters surprise me as a writer or as a reader. I truly believe that our characters are reflections of parts of ourselves that often-times we haven't fully explored. That is the power of the subconscious to work its way into our fiction. It is also why I, as a reader, love stories that are character-driven first and plot-driven second. Those stories always ring more true to me. I believe that a character would act a certain way or do a certain thing because it is congruent with the way the author set up that character's backstory and personality.
Keep writing. I'm always waiting to get the next book.
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