By Kate Curran
I’ve done several blogs on grit recently, and I keep circling
back to this subject. What is grit? According to Angela Duckworth, author of Grit,
the Power of Passion and Perseverance,
grit is perseverance and passion for long term goals.
Grit is what motivated me to start a long term goal that I
never thought I could achieve—running. My goal is to enter and race in the
Pole, Pedal, Paddle next April so I started running in May. I have never
considered myself a runner. I knew I could finish, but I might end up walking
part way. Well, finding my grit I have not only run five miles in just a few
months, but I am improving my form and speed all thanks to grit.

I’m also learning that finding my own grit has helped me create
grittier characters. I used to think that making them suffer made them strong,
but I’m discovering that making them strive for greatness makes them great
whether they are an athlete, a stay-at-home, a plumber or a nuclear physicist.
It’s not their career that makes them great, it’s their grit that drives them
to greatness.
For instance, what if the heroine’s goal is to become an
Olympic swimmer? While she has plenty of talent, she refuses to take the advice
of coaches and mentors. She’s determined to do it all on her own without any
help from anyone. Does she come off as strong and sympathetic because she can
do it alone, or unsympathetic?
But what if the heroine has less talent and more grit? What
if against all odds she keeps swimming even though she’s the slowest on the
team? What if she continues to believe in herself even after numerous failures?
What if she searches constantly for ways to improve her technique, she finds a
mentor who encourages her and a coach who won’t give up on her? Isn’t that
grit? Isn’t that a character you’d admire and want to read about? I know I would.
Grit could also be a negative for a villain. We can use the
villain’s grit to persevere and accomplish a negative goal—continue their
killing spree until they are stopped. After all, we don’t want our villain to
give up without a fight.
What characters do you admire and why? Are they admirable
because of their grit?

Definitely not, and although she enjoyed her career as a photojournalist, she was ready to spread her wings and make a leap into something new—contemporary romances. Ironically, her books still carry an agriculture thread in them, some more than others.
Also writing under Kathy Coatney, Kate has written a series of children’s books, From the Farm to the Table and Dad’s Girls.
Contact Kate at:
Kate, Thank you for guesting with us at Romancing The Genres. Grit as you've defined it is an admirable characteristic and it can be a negative in one's life if used negatively. I've seen people hold on to hurts from the past with a determination and persistence that would make them successful if the focus shifted to the present or future. And, I like to think that the characters in my Sacred Women's Circle series have grit.
I have seen that too Judith and struggled against it myself. Why is it so much easier to focus on the negative versus the positive? I love books that have this kind of focus. Thanks for having me.
Great blog post, Kate! I've read the Grit book you recommend and it was well worth reading. It can be applied to all pretty much anyone's life. I also read your book "Falling for you Again" and loved the characters and their story.
I thought Grit was an amazing book and I've put it into effect in my life. And thanks on Falling For You...Again. It was one of those books I had to write even thought everyone kept telling me it couldn't be done.
An excellent post! Yes, grit keeps especially women characters interesting. We turn the page with their determination and perseverance. Will they win against seemingly insurmountable odds? Yes.
So true Courtney.
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