Judith Ashley is the author
of The Sacred Women's Circle series, romantic fiction that honors spiritual
traditions that nurture the soul.
I will admit that
there have been many times on my journey to become a published author that I
was excited (someone liked my story) as well as frustrated (technical
difficulties). Most recently I found myself laughing which should mean I found
something humorous, right?
When I
e-published the last two books in the original sacred Women’s circle series in
early November, I turned my sights to a much neglected part of being a
published author, marketing and promotion.
Earlier (August
to be exact) I dabbled in a wonderful promotion through Melissa Storm andBonnie Paulson. I say ‘dabbled’ because in the fantasy world I sometimes live
in, I truly did think I would be ready in September to take advantage of the
Strong Women promotion.
Nope! Didn’t
Not in September or October but in November?
Of course I could be ready
then. My renovated website would be out there and the previously mentioned
books would be published. Full steam ahead on promotion!!!

Well, the program
is cool and their support people are amazing (check out ConvertKit) but, there
was still a learning curve. Oh, and since I was giving (actually still am doing
so) a free e-copy of Lily to anyone
who signs up for Connections (mynewsletter), I had other things to learn.
happened to November?
Finally, everything is ready to go.
ConvertKit support vouches for
that. I do one last read through of the emails that will go out to people who signed
up in August for the promo and click “Publish”.
Now one of the things I’d been
told is to include my name in the subscriber list so I am also getting the
Checked another email address in case I put the wrong
address in.
Nope, not there either.
A very long, dramatic sigh escaped. I had company for the
weekend, a book signing and we’d had a snow and ice storm! I told myself after
this much time another couple of days wouldn’t hurt and I knew ConvertKit
Support would help me figure out what I did or didn’t do. So I enjoyed my company and the book signing and beauty of the snow and ice.
Surprise!!! The next morning there’s the email.
As soon as I saw it I realized what I Had Done.
I clicked
“Publish” Friday afternoon but the time was set for 11 a.m. Laugh Out Loud!!!
I’d actually done everything right. As you read this the emails to Strong Women
subscribers have all gone out.
If you missed that opportunity, click here to sign up for Connections. You’ll get an email with
the download link to Lily. And
through January 2017 you can purchase Elizabeth,
the second book in the series at all major e-retailers and from either my website or Windtree Press for $.99.
Check out my Windtree Press
author page.
Follow me on Twitter:
© 2017 Judith Ashley
And if you are interested in other promotions with free or discounted books go to http://litring.com
The road to publication and marketing definitely has a few potholes! But you made it , Judith! So proud of you, my friend.
Thanks, Diana - but, it takes one to know one! We've been on this journey together.
Loud clapping from the west side of Portland. YOu did it, Judith! And I promise each time moving forward it will be even easier. You've taken on a lot of technical things the past few months and you are an example to everyone else that it can be done if you put your mind to it. 2017 is going to be a special year for you and your writing because of all the effort you are putting in to the discoverability side now. Congratulations!
Thanks for your encouragement and support, Maggie. Without you and the other Windtree Press authors, the Goal Reporters Group and the #FTB (finish the book) forum, I'm not even sure I'd have one book out there yet.
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