Friday, September 8, 2017


Love comes in many forms. The love of parents, brother or sister or any relative, husband or wife, the love of doing something that is satisfying to you, the love of self. While many might think this is selfish to love yourself, but if you don’t love yourself it is hard to truly and completely love another. To love your self is to put yourself first. It is imperative you take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Put yourself first always so you can be the best friend, daughter, wife, husband, sister & member of the Tribe, etc.

Today I’m going to talk about my love of my tribe. We all have a tribe. You may not call it that, but it is that special circle of friends. The ones you can tell anything to and they don’t judge you, they help you if you need help and listen if that’s what you need. They are the ones who are there to help you up when you fall.

Of course that love goes both ways. You help them and listen to them too.

I love this quote:

 From Anne Lamott, ““One secret of life is that the reason life works at all is that not everyone in your tribe is nuts on the same day. Another secret is that laughter is carbonated holiness”

My tribe consists of my sister, Sarah in Mulino, my friend, Judith, in Portland, and my dear friend, Louise who lives in KS. They are the inter-circle of my tribe. I can, and do tell them about what’s worrying me or ask them for advice, and we also laugh together. They are my go to for personal advice. They are also, fun to be with.

The rest of my tribe are my writer friends here in Bend, OR. And my writer friends on the Rose City writing loop. We all encourage each other in our writing and share useful information we’ve found, and boost up each other when we get a rejection from an editor or agent, or a comment on a contest we’ve entered was harsh. After all, our books are our babies!

My Bend, OR tribe, which includes Paty our long distance member, and I get together a few times a month for coffee or lunch, and talk writing, share what’s, what with our lives, and we always have a few good laughs!

Laughter is the best medicine-this affirmation was first recorded this way in the late 20th century. This is not a modern day concept. The same idea can be found in the bible in Proverbs 17:22, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”

I get so much love from all these ladies that are members of my tribe. I love them all dearly. I wouldn’t be the same without them in my life.

So thank you dear tribe, you all know who you are.

My wish for all of you out there in the land of internet is to live, love, laugh and be happy!

And hold your tribe close to your heart.

Do you have a tribe?


Judith Ashley said...

Yes, Diana - I have a tribe, in fact, more than one tribe. I've my tribe that includes you and Sarah. My Windtree Press tribe, my #ftb tribe are all connected to my writing life. And then I have my women's circle tribe. Every Tuesday I talk to my Mastermind Tribe.

It is true that to be our best, we must take care of ourselves. Otherwise, we are giving someone else less than we can be. Why shortchange someone you love?

Kathy Coatney said...

Oh Diana a beautiful blog. It brought tears to my eyes. I feel so blessed to be part of the Bend writers and having recently lost a dear friend from another tribe I belong to it made me remember all the laughter and good times we had and how important it is to have these friends in your life and to appreciate every moment. And I am so grateful to have you in my life and all my other writers and friends. Thanks for a great blog.

Paty Jager said...

Wonderful blog, Diana! I'm proud to be part of your tribe! As you know I consider all of my Bend buddies part of my tribe. I couldn't continue writing without our gatherings and sharing our ups and downs. I have so many different tribes from readers to authors and just friends that it is a wonderful feeling knowing there are so many people I care about. Thank you for being you!

Diana McCollum said...

Right, Judith! We don't want to shortchange someone we love!

Kathy, you are such a dear friend. When we lose someone close family or friend, it does make us want to hold the others close. thank you for your compliment.

Paty thank YOU for being you. You were the first one of our group of Bend writers that I met. I have several different tribes, but here I focused on my writing ones!

Thanks to you all for stopping by.

Barbara Rae Robinson said...

I'm honored to be a part of your tribe, Diana. Yes, the RCRW loop had become very important in my life. And the regulars and lurkers who show up occasionally are still part of that tribe.

I also have a tribe that dates back to the Genie online community that I joined in 1994. Some members of that tribe live in Florida and I'm praying almost constantly for them and their loved ones as Irma approaches.

Z. Minor said...

What a wonderful blog. I am so glad we found a way to become friends all those many years ago. I honored to be a member of your tribe. You are a sister of my heart.

Barbara Strickland said...

Makes me wish I was part of this. What a lovely atmosphere you create.

Sarah Raplee said...

Yes, dear sister, I have a tribe, and you and Judith are a part of my 'inner circle.' My writing tribes include WindTree Press authors,the Genre-istas here at Romancing the Genres and many other writer friends. My Baha'i community is my spiritual tribe.

I am glad you are striving for balance between taking care of yourself and taking care of others. Both are so necessary to a happy life!

Diana McCollum said...

Thanks for your kind comments, Barb and Louise!! You are both special ladies.

Thank you Barbara for your kind comment.

My Sister, thank you for your lovely comments.