Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Starting The Fall Season In London

by Michelle Monkou

Home Away From Home
Life comes at you fast. This year, my life seems to follow that sentiment as it zooms by on jet packs.

As the Fall season rolls in with much bluster and its crisp mornings, I had the pleasure of sitting at a London cafĂ© enjoying a latte. I’m here in my birthplace supporting my daughter’s bid to get her master’s. My stay is a brief one, but I’m making every minute count.

Beyond navigating the bureaucratic hoops of international student status, the focus of my visit is to recharge the creative batteries, refill the reservoir, and get the writing juices flowing.

Dinner at my hotel
Long walks are part of my daily routine. As I get familiar with my surroundings, I’m inclined to explore the various side streets and neighborhoods enjoying the restaurants and coffee shops. And as I wander past the older homes, I imagine the families, servants, and the array of visitors that may have walked through the rooms. Who were they? What did they do? How did they see their London life?

Of course, in a place that celebrates history, museums are not in short supply. On previous visits, I did go to many galleries and museums, much to my family’s dismay. This time since I’m pretty much on my own time, I have visited the British Museum and had the pleasure to linger and soak up the various exhibits. While I see the various cultures and the related histories, I think about the stories that I can craft from what I have learned. There is so much to take in of our world, both past and the present.

While most of these activities take place during the day, the best part of London is at night. I absolutely enjoy walking through the quieter part of the day when offices are closed, some retailers are winding down, and the hectic rush hour traffic has shifted to the dinner or theater crowd. There is certain beauty with all the colorful city lights and the occasional sightings of the double deckers. And there is a serene elegance to the many monuments and statues that celebrate British life and history.

Although my visit isn’t over, I feel the stirrings of the creative need to journal and take down my feelings and insights about this trip. There is much more for me to enjoy as I head off to Yorkshire as the next part of this U.K. trip.



Judith Ashley said...

Michelle, I was in London once and wish I'd been there with you because I love the London you are writing about---not so much the London I experienced. I think my creative juices just got a boost from reading this. What a wonderful time to experience with your daughter! I believe the international experiences we have only enrich us a people therefore you and your daughter are wealthy in spirit and experience.

Sarah Raplee said...

I'm so glad you are having a brief respite in London with your daughter! I know you will return home refreshed and recharged. We writers need to take time to experience new place and people, to relish new experiences that all help to refill our creative well.

Maggie Lynch said...

Sounds like you are having a refreshing time. I have been to London a few times on business. Though I've seen many of the typical tourist sites, I've never had the luxury of time to see a museum. I imagine that returning to your country of birth though is a completely different experience.