Family. Friends.
Writing. Health. Inspiration.
My five greats for today.
I rounded up 2017 by finishing a book
– The Law of Moses by Amy Harmon.

Have you read it? If not, it’s an
absolute must. It made me laugh, it made me cry. It made me love the
characters, and at times, it drove me to frustration. It stirred up the whole
gamut of emotions that come from reading a story that touches your heart and
moves your soul.
I won’t go into the specifics of this
novel. I’ve posted a link below and you can take a closer look if you think the
story might draw you the way it drew me.
So why have I mentioned this book?
I’m glad you asked J
I mention this story, as we move into
2018, because it contains themes that fit well with the new year and new
In The Law of Moses, lead character Georgie talks about what she does
when she feels like life is dragging her down. She stops, thinks, then lists
her five greats for the day. Five ‘things’ that make her happy and grateful to
be alive.
Romancing The Genre’s theme for this
month – the month of January – is ‘If I Were a Millionaire . . .’ Such a grand
idea, and one that leads to a wealth of possibilities. But how much would one
million dollars really change? Sure, it would shower the recipient with
creature comforts and fulfil a wish or several. Provide them with material
possessions and experiences they’ve but dreamed of previously.
What it won’t do is help them
appreciate the simple pleasures they can – and should – appreciate every single
That’s where Georgia’s five greats
come in. The simple things. Things that a million dollars – several million
dollars – can’t buy.
Butterflies. Warm embraces. Happy smiles. Laughter. Friendship.
Choc chip ice cream. Sticky hugs. Children’s giggles. The sun’s rays
through the window. Hubby’s thoughtfulness.
What a great way to start the year –
acknowledging things that enrich our lives, and attracting more of the same.
I’m not saying I’d knock back $1M.
That’d be crazy.
But while waiting for all those crisp
green notes to hit, why not focus on the simple things. The things that bring
happiness and make it great to be alive.
Those five greats.
So, tell me, what are your five
greats today? Your five greats of all time? Five greats that bring meaning to
your life and make every day worthwhile? Please share your greats and begin
2018 on a high.
Today is my last post on Romancing
the Genres. I’m leaving RTG and focusing my sights in a new direction, but that
doesn’t mean I won’t be back. I plan to pop by once in a while to say ‘hi’ –
you can’t get rid of me that easy J
Much as this move is tinged with
sadness, it brings with it another great – I get to introduce friend and fellow
Melbourne Romance Writers Guild member to you all.
Dora Bramden is an Australian contemporary
romance author of two short sexy novels, with her third due out this March. She
lives in Melbourne, Australia, with her Italian heritage partner, in her newly
renovated house, where she’s working on creating the perfect espresso and the
garden of her dreams.
You can find out more about Dora here.
Dora’s first post will be on February 1st and I hope you’ll all make her feel as welcome as you’ve made me feel J
Thank you all for stopping by and
sharing your lives and stories with me over the past year. I hope you move on
to great and wonderful things.
Michelle xxx
Michelle Somers is a bookworm from way back. An ex-Kiwi who now calls Australia home, she's a professional killer and matchmaker, a storyteller and a romantic. Words are her power and her passion. Her heroes and heroines always get their happy ever after, but she'll put them through one hell of a journey to get there.
Michelle lives in Melbourne, Australia, with her real life hero and three little heroes in the making. And Emmie, a furry black feline who thinks she’s a dog. Her debut novel, Lethal in Love won the Romance Writers of Australia's 2016 Romantic Book of the Year (RuBY) and the 2013 Valerie Parv Award. The second in her Melbourne Murder series, Murder Most Unusual was released in February 2017.
You can find out all about Michelle, her
adventures and her books at
Please pop by and say 'hi' 😊
We will miss you Michelle!
Every morning I write out 10 things for which I'm grateful and every night I remember at least one thing I'm grateful for. I can be as simple as seeing a stunning sunrise (yesterday) or talking to a long ago friend I lost track of (Monday) or appreciating the stark beauty in a winter landscape (today). I also give thanks multiple times a day because I really am blessed in my life in so many ways.
Welcome Dora!!!
May all good things come your way, Michelle! This post is a beautiful way to begin the new year.
My 5 Greats for today: The view out my office window. A cat on my lap. Constant Comment Green Tea. A good-morning hug.
My 5 All-Time Greats: Faith. Family. Friends. Meaningful Work. Community.
Welcome Dora!
Hi Judith
I love your practice of writing 10 things you're grateful for every day. What a great way of reminding yourself how much good is in your life.
Thanks for being so awesome. I've loved being part of RTG :)
Wishing you all the best for 2018.
Michelle xx
Hi Sarah
Thank you for your lovely words.
What a great list of five greats :)
Wishing you all that's wonderful for 2018.
Michelle xx
Hi Michelle, sorry to see you go from RTG but of course we're friends so I'll see you soon. With building a new house this year, you're going to have your hands full anyway. And Dora is another Aussie friend who will be a great addition to the blog.
Wishing you well with your work and family this year!
Thank you, Michelle, and welcome to Dora!
My five greats for today: the company of my husband, purring cats, a good cup of tea, fresh snow, and the promise of starting to read a new book. (nice idea, BTW)
What a wonderful post, Michelle. 5 great things is a fabulous idea to kick of 2018 with a sense of gratitude. I'm grateful today for the women who inspire me,you being one of them. Dandelion seed heads in the lawn charmed me this evening. I'm grateful I for a visit to my dear old Dad. Dinner tonight was great despite it being a concoction of leftovers and I'm greatful to be handed the batton to blog with RTG. I'm looking forward to next month.
Hi Cass
Yes, it’s going yo be a crazy and wonderful year this year. So many exciting things on the go.
But I know I’m leaving my blog in great hands. Dora will be awesome.
Wishing you a fab 2018 too!
Michelle xxx
Hi Lynn
I love your five greats! Just purrfect 😺
Wishing you all the best for 2018.
Hi Dora
Thank you for your lovely words. I’m so glad you’re joining RTG in my place 😊
Your five greats are beautiful ❤️
Looking forward to reading your first and subsequent posts.
Michelle xxx
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