Friday, July 13, 2018

Blessings of Nature

We live on the edge of town, actually at the beginning of the county. The cross street at the end of the block, one house down from ours, is the dividing line between city and county. We are in a small housing track of maybe 30 houses and each one is on an oversized lot. Ours is an acre.

My husband sets the trail camera out to see what all animals wander through our unfenced yard at night. 

We had a herd of deer in the winter and when it snows my husband puts out some hay and feed for them.

There have been racoons, foxes, bunnies, quail, ducks, geese, and all kinds of birds come in to feast on the birdseed. We’ve even seen one black squirrel hanging off the bird feeder, a rare sighting in Bend. Never saw him again. 

And then sometimes a neighborhood cat will pass by, and in 4 years we’ve only had one dog at night.

It is fun to watch the videos and the animal interactions with each other. All the videos are at night. The deer might be eating a carrot and the bunny hops into view. The deer is startled and runs off. The quail will chase after the bunny or the duck either one.

This summer, at the very beginning, June 24th, 7:15 am a doe had her baby in our back yard by the old pickup truck. The baby was so sweet! It was the size of a small dog, and had big spots on its back. It was not afraid and came up to the chain link fence. It kept running back and forth trying to find a way into the small fenced backyard area. Eventually, the mama got up and the baby trotted after her. I was surprised how the little fawn could keep up when the doe ran across the street and into the field and then the forest.

My husband and I were feeling truly blessed to have been given the opportunity to witness this new born fawn.

But our blessings were not over. We were driving through another neighborhood close to ours, and two quail were trying to cross the street. My husband stopped the car, as nobody was behind us. We watched as the parents escorted their brood of newly hatched chicks. We counted 10! Their bodies were the size of marbles with little tooth pick legs. Amazing how fast they ran and could keep up with their parents.

I love watching animals, and reading about all kinds of animals. I love National Geographic shows.

In my new manuscript I’m working on my heroine, Opal, is a scientist in Nova Scotia. She is studying a new breed of animals. Coywolves. Yes, there really is such an animal. The Canadian wolf and coyotes have cross bred. There was a documentary on tv about this new creature an it garnered my interest. I researched the coywolf and began writing my story.
I will tell you more about it in a later post.

Do you have a favorite animal native to your town, city or countryside?


Maggie Lynch said...

How blessed you are to live in a place where wild animals do roam. You didn't mention any predators caught by your camera--coyote, cougar.

Interesting about the "coywolf." I knew that coyotes and wolves had bred but I never knew there was a name for it. Glad to hear it's going to be in your next book. I'm sure you'll do a great job with that concept and work into the story in a really interesting way.

Sarah Raplee said...

I love your descriptions of the fawn and the baby quail, as well as the animal interactions, Diana. Can't wait to read the new book!

Diana McCollum said...

Hi, Maggie,
The only predator we've captured on the camera is a fox. There have been cougars on the Butte one mile away from us. The male cougar was spotted on the butte by hikers and was about 50 yds from the grade school. it had to be euthanized .

Thanks for stopping by!

You too, Sarah, good to see you here!

Z. Minor said...

I love watching any animals. We usually have a lot of deer but haven't seen many this year. Interesting about the coywolf. Can't wait to read your story. Have a great week and month.

Judith Ashley said...

Living in the heart of a city, wildlife is mainly in the form of birds. I have hummingbirds come daily now that flowers are in bloom. I've also had a flicker that visits from time to time.

I saw a Coywolf documentary as well as one on the adaptability of the coyote in urban areas. We have them here in my neighborhood although I haven't seen one in a couple of years..