Out of this world and out of my mind…to yours!
by Jessa Slade writing
science fiction romance as Elsa Jade
Imagination is weird. You
can’t see it or touch it. It doesn’t have any weight or texture. It comes
seemingly out of nowhere and yet is informed by literally everything around. It
has no inherent value and yet as a writer I use it to pay my rent!
And here’s the really weird
part: Imagination is completely incorporeal and yet binds me indelibly to
you—the reader.
The first book in the latest
trilogy of my science fiction romance series the INTERGALACTIC DATING AGENCY:
BIG SKY ALIEN MAIL ORDER BRIDES just came out, and as I created a new
storyworld of alien cyborg cowboys, I was weirded out again by how imagination
links us. Here I am, spinning letters into words into a story right out of my
imagination, and there are you, somewhere on the other end, gathering the
adventure, the thrills, the love into your
Some readers have told me
they aren’t interested in science fiction romance because it might be “too
weird” for them. I say, if you are a reader, you already understand quantum
entanglement and spooky action at a distance! Writer and reader are linked
together in a dance of the imagination, a force as invisible as quarks, as powerful
as orbiting suns. You are already weird and
spooky! How cool is that?
While I was writing MACH ONE,
the book that just came out, I had a moment where I was doubting the story. I
was at the Oregon Coast for a writing retreat with other writer friends, where
all we do is sit and writewritewrite. But for a day, I wasn’t writing. I just
couldn’t figure out why this
mattered, why would these characters
come together, who would want this
adventure? My imagination was failing me, like shooting stars crashing to Earth…
(Sunset of my writer soul, minus stars, with
obligatory seagull for scale)
And that night, as I was meditating
contemplatively at my little netbook (well, banging my head against the
keyboard after drinking a high-caffeine sparkling water, whatever) I thought
about the reader—you. And that other reader (who is my mom, tbh). And all those
other readers (some of whom aren’t related to me!). All those tiny, far-away
points of light shining down on me, waiting to be connected by that tenuous thread
of imagination.
Okay, maybe it was just the
caffeine and I was standing outside in the cold looking at the stars… But! I started
typing again, and as if he came down from the heavens above—which he kinda
did—was MACH ONE.
He came from my imagination—which
sometimes seems even more remote and dangerous than outer space!—and now he’s
leaving again for your imagination. Spooky action at a distance—out of this
world and just in time for Halloween.
It’s autumn in Big Sky
Country, and crash-landed aliens are falling in love!
Oversized Montana rancher Mach Halley’s very
big Stetson and giant belt buckle are hiding a secret of cosmic proportions:
He’s a survivor of a transgalactically prohibited private army of cyborg alien
warriors built to kill. But with a long-dormant member of his unit about to be
born, he needs a healer—even if it’s a pretty little lady doc who must forget
everything she sees.
Making a name for herself in rural, large
animal veterinary medicine has been tough for Doctor Chien Lun-mei, so she
takes a strange midnight call to prove herself—only to discover a secret wilder
than any bucking bronc. If she rants about UFOs and ETs, she’ll be laughed out
of the county, but this strong, silent cowboy who feels even more out of place
than she does touches her in more ways than one.
Together they’ll fight to save an alien life,
but for Mach to escape a war he never wanted, he’ll have to risk an alien love.
On the outskirts of
the Big Sky Intergalactic Dating Agency, the Cyborg Cowboys of Carbon County
are rounding up earthly pleasures for their forever mates.
Cyborg Cowboys of Carbon County #1
Intergalactic Dating Agency
by Elsa Jade
Read more at ElsaJade.com
MACH ONE is part of a bigger
constellation of stories—the Intergalactic Dating Agency—and this autumn, five
new trilogies are falling into your hot little hands. You can read all about
them at RomancingTheAlien.com and
join the out-of-this-world adventures from our imaginations!

Wow! you are so prolific , Jesse! Great blog post. Are you one of those writers who keep a bible of your different worlds , or how do you keep all the different worlds separate? Your Intergalatic dating agency books sound wonderful.
Love your books, Jessa! Your excerpt has me hooked.
Read and loved this book. It has everything you could want, aliens, cowboys, love, potential problems of galactic proportions. :) Seriously, if you don't think you like SF Romance you'll still love this because it's not all tech, as much as it is a cowboy love story. It just happens that the cowboys are aliens and bigger than the average human and stronger than the average human, but still have all the needs and emotions of any love relationship.
Diana, I always START a bible when I have a new series. Such good intentions! And you know where intentions lead us... ;) By Book 2, I've forgotten everything and am desperately trying to find a way to add magic to the universe so I can explain myself!
>> Your excerpt has me hooked.
Mwa-ha-ha, Sarah. My nefarious plan is working! :D
<3 Maggie! Remember that movie Cowboys and Aliens? It...had some issues. Mostly, not enough kissing! I fixed that. :D
Jessa, this may be the day and yours may be the book to entice me to read a sci fi romance. I do love Westerns. So, yes, your nefarious plan may be working overtime.
Thanks for guesting with us!!!
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