off 2019 with a blog post on The Best Book I’ve Read in 2018 has been harder for
me than it might appear. All I need to do is write about the book I most remember
reading. Right?
as an author, I write first and read second. There are times, especially at the
end of a day at the computer, I don’t really remember the gist of the story or
even the author’s name. Another issue is I can get stuck in “editor” mode which
means I lose the story because I’m focused on story structure or things like
grammar, punctuation, etc.
then when I try to remember what I’ve read, those fiction books most likely in
the romance genre, even though I’ve read at least fifty of them… .

Master Class did not disappoint. When I learned that his book Verbalize was
based almost verbatim on the Class, I snatched it up. Yep, that was me brushing
past people in order to grab one of the remaining copies he still had.
you have a chance to attend a Damon Suede workshop for writers, do. His style
is fast paced and that is usually a turn off for me. But, and that’s a big “but”
I always come away with something that is a gift to my writer-self.
were those gifts from his ECWC Master Class?
Gift #1: Being
true to myself and what I write. Readers can’t find my books if I don’t clearly
tell them what I write. And I write in a sub-genre of romance that isn’t listed
on any of the search engine. Pagan Spirituality
is a core theme in my books.
Gift #2: Defining
myself. A question Mr. Suede asked us had to do with the energy that is our
essence. A bit paraphrased the question was what verb describes you? My answer
was immediate “teaching.”
At one point in my life I was a public
school’s classroom teacher. I’ve a long history of presenting workshops at
conferences both national and internationally. I’m on the Senior Teaching
Faculty of The William GlasserInstitute – International. And the characters in my stories are always learning
something to ease their path to that happily-ever-after. Of course the process
of learning isn’t necessarily easy. But where would the joy of overcoming an
obstacle be if it was all easy and effortless.

To my delight, I found myself emotionally involved with these seven women. I still laughed and cried along with them and I was the one who’d written their stores and read the drafts more than once!

Judith Ashley
is the author of The Sacred Women’s Circle series, romantic women’s fiction
that honors pagan spiritual practices that nourish the soul. Sacred women’s circles are havens where each of us have the support of the unconditional acceptance, support and love of the others that sustain us as we overcome obstacles on our life's journey.
© 2019 Judith Ashley
I've been dying to see and hear Damon Suede in action. Unfortunately he had to cancel when the Florida Romance Writers annual cruise date was changed. Had I know he was at the Emerald City Conference (a favorite of mine and one I haven't been to in years) I would have made it. Unlike you, Judith I love a presenter who is fast-paced. I really enjoyed this post.
Great post, Judith. I'm looking forward to seeing Damon Suede when he comes to Alaska next fall!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Marcia. Glad you liked the post.
And, Damon is doing a special presentation in June for the Desert Rose Chapter, Marcia, in case you want to be in Scotsdale, AZ the middle of June.
Lynn, Thanks for stopping by. I know you'll enjoy Damon. I hadn't been to ECWC in several years. He was the deciding factor.
Will this be a closed presentation or open to other writers/authors? Who knows, I may want to see Alaska (a state I've always wanted to visit).
Thank you for your kind words about my book, Judith.
Damon Suede is definitely a dynamic and knowledgeable presenter. I'll have to pick up Verbalize!
My words may be seen by you as "kind" Sarah, but I see them as true. Would not have mentioned "Blindsight" if it wasn't a well-written good story. And, I know you did your research!
Judith, What a great array of books that you liked! And thank you for the kind words about my Shandra Higheagle series. I'm happy dancing today. It was the release of book 12 in the series and one of my ARC readers put up the best review! It is the reason I write mystery books. You had a great year of publishing in 2018 and I foresee an even better 2019 for you!
Paty, Thanks for stopping by. Love that Book 12 released today. I didn't remember that when I wrote and posted this. I just really like your writing/story-telling.
Great post, Judith. I'll have to check out Damon Suede's book. I haven't seen him speak, though I have heard of his dynamic presentations from others.
I also love both Blindsight and Paty Jager's Shandra Higheagle Mystery series. Great writing and characters in both of those.
I find I have less and less time to read, and that is a problem I hope to correct in 2019. I've always been a reader and fiction is my favorite. But the past five years or so, I've been stuck on nonfiction. I need to change it up once in a while.
Thanks for the shout out on my Career Author Secrets series. Like you, I've been a teacher in the past and have done a lot of workshops and still do them occasionally. This series was really a way for me to encapsulate all the workshops I teach and to put it into three books that I can update as the publishing world changes.
So many good books, so little time. When you learn how to split yourself into ore than one person in order to get more done, please do let me know. :)
I think one of the blessings of running out of energy by late-afternoon is that my choices are watching t.v. or reading. Of course there is always the option of doing some light housework - oh, that couch or recliner seems to be calling me.
When you read "Verbalize" you'll have a real sense of Damon Suede's energy level. It leaps off the page, at least it does for me.
Sarah and I also appreciate your annual "What's New in Publishing" post you do for us every December. That's another reason I have a bit more time to read - you are keeping up with the trends.
Will certainly let you know when I've figured out how to either clone myself or split into at least two people. One can write and one can do the promo/marketing and one can keep up with family and friends and daily routine. Okay, I'm at 3...and each would have a more relaxed daily pace?
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