Thursday, March 21, 2019

Stopping Time...

Don't we all wish that one time or another that we could stop time? To take a moment longer to enjoy something?

One way I do that is with a time capsule journal. 
Time capsule journals can be used to capture daily life... I do weekly ones - here is one from from last summer and last week.
As with any journal, there are no rules. I like to keep mine a ‘surface’ recap. I ‘work-out’ my personal ‘issues’ in a personal  journal.
A one all purpose journal doesn’t work for me. I took me years to figure that out… I know a little slow. Journaling is personal and so you need to do it the best way it fits you. It's a way of stopping time. Of capturing a moment.
Back from the rabbit hole. My weekly recaps vary as you can see. Sometimes there are lots of pictures…sometimes memorable from events… whatever reflects what I want to highlight for the week.
My aim for my time capsule journal is to keep record of the what was going on around me. I include family members but only worldly events that touched me personally. I know that may sound selfish but I can research what happened world wide but that won’t have the fact I spent time building a leprechaun trap with my 7 year old.
The time capsule journal is by far the most undefined and open for personal definition. I've helped friends set them for weddings, births, and a kidney transplant. It's a journal meant to stop time. 
What types of journals do you keep? I'd love to hear about your journal(s). Have a great month and see you in April!


Judith Ashley said...

Lyncee, My best friend journals and her pages are filled with drawings, pictures and words. She can go back years and see how she expressed her feelings and thoughts. She can reconnect with her dreams, goals and desires. I'm always in awe when she chooses to share something with me. Love how creative your Time Capsule Journal is. I might be able to sustain doing something once a week or maybe once a month along those lines but I doubt it.

What I can and do virtually every morning is write out 10 things for which I'm grateful. It is a type of time capsule...all in words with different colored text (I change it each month - March is green so not very original - lol). I save them all in a "Gratitude and Blessings" folder and I have been known to click and browse through a previous years. It does give me a window into my past and should my granddaughters or great grans ever decide to read them when I'm gone, they will certainly see what themes are important to me.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

I keep journals when I travel and such, but I love your idea of time capsule journals. May have to try it! :-)

Deb N said...

What a fun and creative idea. Like Judith, I would probably not be able to sustain it. I even forget to jot down occurrences on the computer. One thing I did start, and add to a few times a week, is a spread sheet for my writing. I do so many little things a day, like help another writer, or submit a piece to someone to look at, or write a review or a blog, or have a good day in sales, that I realized within a few days, I have totally forgotten my joys and celebrations for the week, and feel as thought all I did was spin wheels and accomplish nothing. SO looking at a list of accomplishments by date gives me a lift. And writing down that I paid my website host for 2 years, is a reminder when I look back to remember if and when I owe money. So - it serves several purposes. I may do what Judith does and add some color for categories. I do love COLORS :-)

Luanna Stewart said...

I love your "time capsule" journal idea. Sort of like a casual scrapbook. I especially like your use of coloured pens. We'll be traveling for the next few weeks and I might give this a try.

I keep a daily planner for my writing tasks and goals - bare bones, black and white. Though I do write everything with purple ink in a fountain pen. I also keep the most basic of bullet journals for non-writing things - chores, errands, appointments. I record when I baked bread and other treats, what we ate for supper, and what the weather was like. During the summer I make note of high and low tides in case I want to take a dip in the ocean. My third journal is for "morning pages", just a page or two of free form writing, sometimes using a prompt, but mostly just whatever gets from my brain to my hand, hehe.

Maggie Lynch said...

I've always admired people who journal regularly. One of my best friends has kept journals throughout her life. I think she started when she was about 10 years old and she is now 70. I've spent some fine times with her when she's shared some of her early writings and compared them to who she is today.

I've tried journaling from time to time. I was probably the most successful when I was a teenager because every emotion was so important to chronicle. As an adult I can't sustain it unless it is something I know I will really want to remember decades from now. For example, when my husband and I married and went on our honeymoon, I chronicled where we went, what we saw, and what happened. It also helped me to match up the photos we took later (that was long before digital cameras.

Your journal looks beautiful with the different colors of ink and the insertion of images. It will be something to reasure for sure, and maybe to share with those you love.