I am going off this month’s topic weddings and blog about affirmations.

I find mantras or affirmations helpful especially when going through a tough situation.
A friend on a writing loop, Barb, mentioned the book: Zen to Done. It is the ultimate simple productivity system. There are several good quotes in this book. My favorites are:
1) "The beginning is half of every action." --a Greek Proverb.
I take this to heart because for the past six months or so, I've had trouble starting or finishing anything. I make lists so I can scratch off what I've done. But find at the end of the week, 9 things out of 10 are not done. So, I'm saying this little reminder, that if I get started on the next thing on the list I will be half way there and finish it to completion.
Another affirmation I like is one I saved from Pinterest:
2) "No one ever injured their eyes by looking on the bright side." Unknown.
When I'm feeling depressed or things aren't going the way I think they should, I think about this quote and what it means to the particular situation I'm in. Because there is always a bright side, a glass half full!
This one is for health:
3) "The secret to living well and longer is: eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure." --Tibetan Proverb.
My husband and I have started sharing meals when we go out and find our hunger is satisfied and
the fridge is not full of to-go-boxes! Which also makes me feel good. We've also been watching more funny movies. Comedy is a great distraction from every day life and problems.
At breakfast out this morning, one of the grief counselors I had in the class I took on dealing with grief, stopped by our table. She knows the situation with my husband going through cancer treatments. She talked with us quite a while and uplifted both our spirits. She told my husband to remember his treatments are a chapter not the whole book of his life.

When she left he said I feel a lot better after talking with her. He was pretty much down this morning thinking about his treatment at 2:00.
At breakfast out this morning, one of the grief counselors I had in the class I took on dealing with grief, stopped by our table. She knows the situation with my husband going through cancer treatments. She talked with us quite a while and uplifted both our spirits. She told my husband to remember his treatments are a chapter not the whole book of his life.

When she left he said I feel a lot better after talking with her. He was pretty much down this morning thinking about his treatment at 2:00.
The affirmations are just a few of the ones I review off and on, but I DO make sure I look at one of the quotes each day and sometimes more than one.
What words of encouragement help you through a tough situation or just daily life?
Great quotes, Diana. And I hope your husband's treatments go well. While I like many quotes, my go-to one is usually from the Beatles, Love is all you need.
Love your quote, Lynn! And love says it all, doesn't it?
I'm huge on affirmations. This is one of the reasons I start a vision board every year and keep that board visible. It keeps me on track. Sending positive thoughts your husband's way.
Diana, You've had a rough year. My thoughts are with you and your hubby. Everyone has more strength than they think. When you need it most it will surface.
One of my favorite affirmations is, "I can choose to be happy."
Great post, Diana!
Loved these affirmations, Diana. I collect lots of them on my Pinterest board so I have many to go to when the day is particularly tough.
I'm also really happy the counselor stopped by. Her advice about this being a chapter of your husbands life is so true--not only for cancer treatments, but for anything that happens to us that seems at the moment to be all consuming.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you continue to jump those hurdles in life. This past year has been really high hurdles. I'm hoping from now on they are much lower.
It isn't always easy to find the light, the love, the bright spot in a dark chapter or spell of our lives but it is always worth the effort. I repeat "I am Blessed" "I am okay" "I am loved" "This too shall pass." "Always Choose Love and Light" and reminding myself that "My Choices Today Create My Tomorrows"
Holding positive thoughts for your husband and you.
Marcia, I like the idea of a vision board. I don't have room on my wall at the moment but hope too soon. It would be nice to see affirmations everyday without opening a book or journal.
Thank you for your kind thoughts Paty.
Sarah, you are so right , we can choose to be happy or choose to take that walk or choose to not do something. I like it!
Maggie, I have a Pinterest board for affirmations too. That's my go to spot at the moment. Thank you for your kind words.
Judith, thanks for all you shared. I have some new affirmations now. :))
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