Saturday, August 10, 2019

What Unexpected Romantic Thing Have You or Someone Else Received?

by Diana McCollum

Welcome to the Blogversations! What we here at Romancing the Genres are doing this month on the weekends, is Blogversations. I'll post an example to the question and then you provide an answer. I'll check back every so often and comment, and maybe you'll have comment to add to mine, or someone else will. This way we have a virtual conversation.  

There will be prizes so. be sure and comment!!!

Sometimes it's a small gesture, or an inexpensive gift that can be more romantic than the most expensive piece of jewelry.

One year for my birthday my husband had overheard my conversation with a friend. I told said friend I'd love to have a bird feeder outside my office window. 

On my birthday hubby put up a bird feeder right outside my office window! I've spent many minutes each day watching the birds come and go.

Hubby fills the feeder with seeds everyday so I can have my bird fix. A simple gift that has given me hours of pleasure, and at least a few minutes worth everyday.

I don't remember most gifts from years back, but I remember 5 years ago when he fulfilled my wish for a bird feeder!

Okay, you're up, "What unusual romantic gesture or gift have you or a friend received?"


Paty Jager said...

Diana, That is a thoughtful gift! And so good of your husband to overhear and follow through. I would have to say the best gift I received is one I wrote about here on this blog a few years ago. My husband I are were living in a 10 x 12 cabin with no running water while building our house. I'd had a bad morning- everything had been going wrong. And he showed up at the cabin with one bright colored wildflower. Presented it to me and kissed my cheek. "Thought you could use this." At that moment it was exactly what I needed. I agree it is the little gestures that mean the most.

Diana McCollum said...

Ah-h-h, Paty that is so sweet and thoughtful! I've always preferred wild flowers or my garden flowers to store bought. And they can be so colorful and unusual.

Do you know what kind of flower your husband gave you?

Sue Ward Drake said...

Okay, Diana. I'm thinking. My husband is a bit like yours, nothing obviously romantic. But thoughtful. I remember when I was home from the hospital after my knee replacement operation, and he'd bought me blueberries to have (my favorite and something we usually only can find in the groceries in the summer.) When we first met, he'd overhauled my old bicycle (we met on a cycling club trip) but it was on its last legs and a few months later for Christmas he gave me a brand new bike.

Diana McCollum said...

I love that, Sue! Blueberries and a bike! He is truly a thoughtful husband. Thanks for stopping by.

Paty Jager said...

Diana, I can't remember which wildflower it was. I'm thinking it was an Indian Paint Brush but I could be wrong. Because he is always pointing them out to me on the hills.

Sue Ward Drake said...

I love the photo you've posted. California poppies! Where was this bloom?

Sarah Raplee said...

Many years ago my husband and I had a doozy of an argument over something soooo important that I don't even remember what it was! Anyway, we seldom argued but this time I was so mad I locked myself in the bedroom to have a good cry. he apologized through the door but I was having none of it! Shortly after, he told me he was taking the kids for a ride. I heard them drive off and had a pity party.

When they came home an hour later, the kids giggled and shushed each other outside my door. They knocked and said,"Daddy bought this for you cause he's sorry."

I put on a happy face and opened the door, sorry we'd upset them. Sitting on the floor was a large flat cardboard box. I asked the kids to help me open it and discovered a beautiful autoharp inside. For those of you unfamiliar with them, autoharps are old-fashioned instruments teachers used to use in the classroom during "music time" before elementary schools employed music teachers.

My grandmother had one and played it. I'd always wanted to learn to play. He'd remembered Id mentioned that in passing when he'd gotten a Banjo to learn on a long time before.

Of course I couldn't stay mad at him when he'd spent money we didn't have on such a thoughtful gift! The man truly loves me!

Diana McCollum said...

Hi, Sue, the poppy bloom was on Mt. Diablo, CA at Easter time.

Sarah, your hubby wanted to give you the gift of music! Isn't it funny how insignificant disagreements are in the whole scheme of life?

Thanks for stopping by. Do you still have the autoharp?

Dora Bramden said...

I love your bird feeder story. A few years ago,Sam snd I were at a market when ge noticed me admiring a wooden heart pendent. He asked if I'd like it and bought it for me. It wasn't expensive but it's priceless to me.

Marcia King-Gamble said...

All lovely stories. I am going to piggy-back on a story Judith shared last week during my blogversation. In my flight attendant days, one holiday season, I got rerouted to Rome over Christmas Eve, (not a bad place to be,) except I had a husband waiting at home. I got home two days after Christmas, to discover he'd bought a Charlie Brown tree. He'd been waiting for me to select one. I suspect he bought what was left the day after Christmas. Anyhow, he decorated it with his mother's left over lights and ornaments. It was the ugliest tree, but pretty to me, because it was all done out of love. We celebrated when I finally got home, and thanks to my stay in Rome, I had wonderful chocolates and wine to contribute to our dinner.

Diana McCollum said...

Dora, what a sweet gift! A heart of love from your honey!

Marcia, I imagine Rome would be all decked out for Christmas! A snoopy tree is sweet! He wanted Christmas to be waiting for you! My husband went behind our house in CA (we lived in the country then) . We had family coming for Christmas. He saw my disappoint he went out and found a beautiful tree. Set the snoopy one on the deck, decorated it's 5 branches and put the beautiful tree inside. He did all this while I was at work.

Marcia and Dora, thanks for stopping by!

Marcia King-Gamble said...

What a thoughtful and lovely husband you have, Diana. Rome was lovely that time of year, and attending mass at the Vatican on Christmas Eve is still a cherished memory.

Diana McCollum said...

Thank you Marcia!

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Fun post, Diana! One year, my hair dryer died right before Valentine's Day. My husband noticed and gave me one--most thoughtful Valentine's present ever!

Diana McCollum said...

Wow, Lynn that was a wonderful gift! Us ladies need our hair dryers! Thanks for commenting.